chapter 3

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I'm having tea on my own in my little old, dirty flat at 4:45 so that I have time to nip to the shop down the road called "All rounders". Its called that because it has everything you could want from a packet of skittles to a pair of skiing trousers. Its strange but handy. 

Tea was beans on toast because it was quick and easy. The toast and beans melt in my mouth like it is a dish from the most fancy restaurant in the world. I take the last bite of my beans on toast, grab all the money that I have been saving up for months and run down the road to "All rounders". Once I am there i take no time admiring the random bits and bobs they have on sale today. I just run into the shop and to the aisle that says "Milk, plants and suitcases". Suitcases is what i need. I scan the levels of fancy suitcases and bags until I find the one I was saving up for. The very bright, very cool, and very light rucksack that everyone seems to wear at school but this one is bigger and better. It has a sort of african pattern on it and it is the coolest trend. It is £25 and perfect for our journey to store everything I need. I have been wanting to buy it for ages and now is the time i have been waiting for. Without a second glance I grab the bag and suddenly hear a squeele of laughter. I turn around and it is Tracy from my class. The coolest girl in my class and maybe in the whole year. "Your buying that! I didn't know someone like you could afford it. I'm not sure it goes with your style. A bit too, well my style." To be fair not many people like her but she is pretty cool, but pretty harsh. I feel a burst of anger fill me and  I know that I will never see her again, so here is my chance to tell her. "Do you know what Tracy, no one likes you and I think you are wondering why. i'll tell you why. Because your stubburn and self obsessed, vicious and spoilt. At least I am nice!" And with that I pay for the bag and stomp back home, dump my beautiful bag on the settee and let out a big laugh. Ha, at least I'm nice. That felt good! 

After i had recovered from my happiness of finally making tracy speechless, i quickly packed almost everything in my flat in my new bag, and my big old bag that I bought when I was 10, including food, clothes, the lot. I was ready. Contently, i took my final look at my grotty, manky old flat and slammed the door shut. I'm going... forever!

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