The Mission Back Home

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Chapter 3

"Please help protect me," pleaded Leo. "I'm just a lion cub that didn't listen to the rules my father had warned the whole country and teleported myself-"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down." said Ai. "Of course we'll help you."

The voices were getting louder.

"Come on," said Tom, picking Leo up and started running. The other four ran after him. They didn't run for long though, because Tom soon stopped and hid behind a big green bin.

"Why are we hiding behind a garbage dump?" Ai whispered.

"Shhh," Tom shushed Ai.

"So when are you going home?" Suchee asked.

"I don't know," mumbled Leo. "I don't know how to get home. I just teleported using the Teleport Tree, and there's no Teleport Tree here, so I don't know how to go back."

"Why don't we use a rocket? We put you in there, and fly you through space to your home planet." Tom suggested.

"Don't be silly, he can't even comb his hair, do you think he could really navigate a rocket?" Ai said.

"We could get the astronauts to teach him."

"You think they'd really teach a talking lion cub?" Ai argued.

"Well once we explain to them that he just wants to get home-"

"They'll put him in a zoo! They'll experiment on him and he'll never get back home!" Ai snapped.

"What's with you? If my ideas are so horrible, why don't you think of one?" Tom snapped back.

"Guys, quiet down! You're going to give us away!" Suchee said in a hushed tone.

"Well why don't we call your dad, Leo?" Ai suggested, ignoring Tom.

"Well I can roar extremely loud, maybe I could roar and hopefully my dad would hear me?"

"That would destroy every living being's ears." Suchee commented. "Plus, that would give us away; the zookeepers would be able to hear us."

Leo sighed.

"Then what can we do?" he asked.

"We could...I think we should...I think Ai's idea is the last straw." said Simon.

"What?" asked Tom in disbelief.

"This is a matter of weird animals and magic." said Simon. "There's no other way we could get Leo back home than using his own magic."

"Magic? Seriously? Have you been reading ponies and unicorn books again?" asked Suchee.

Simon turned beet red. He was lucky it was nighttime or he could've been caught red-handed. "I don't read ponies and unicorn books!" Simon denied, defending himself and his well-maintained dignity.

"Shush!" said Ai. "Quiet down!"

"Sorry," Simon mumbled.

"Well, it's worth a shot." said Leo, opening his mouth to roar.

"Wait." said Simon. "We shouldn't do it here."

"Why not?" asked Tom.

"That crater you made during your fall down to Earth was probably some magic crater." said Simon.

"Again with the magic?" Suchee sighed.

"What other word do you want me to use? The Force?" Simon asked.

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