dare # 8

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fireholt66: we are back with another dare and its from The_red_mogeko and its their first time and we know want to do about that! *everyone claps their hands*

poemi: yay! *jumping up and down*

sookie: read us the dare! read us the dare!

fireholt66: ok, wait what happen to vendetto screaming at me?

fireball: he is still in master emalf room.

fireholt66: ok that makes sense and the dare is for ivlis!

ivlis: me? *wiping tears out of his eyes*

fireholt66: yes you? (wow I never thought of seeing him cry about his scarfs being burned!)

satanick: guess who's here and out of the torture and danger today!

fireholt66: ok, no one really cares lolicon! the dare said ivlis to push satanick off a cliff! WOW!! GO IVLIS!!

ivlis: ok I will do that. It will probably make me laugh.

*ivlis walks over to satanick who is writing a porn book about him and emalf getting married*

ivlis: hi satanick.

satanick: hey doggie how are you!

ivlis: you know licorice can beat your ass again right?

satanick: yeah I know.

*ivlis grabs satanick waist and walks him over to a cliff*

satanick: why are we here?

ivlis: I dropped my wing scarf down there and you be a dear and get it for me.

satanick: huh you are wearing your wing scarf right now?

*ivlis take off his wing scarf and drops it over the cliff*

ivlis: no I am not. you are lying.

satanick: ok I will get your wing scarf back!

*satanick beats over the cliff and try's to get ivlis scarf out of a tree branch and then ivlis pushes satanick out the cliff*

satanick: WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screaming while falling*

ivlis: that's that. *grabs scarf out tree branch and puts it around his neck*

fireholt66: that's how its done!

jon: we will see you guys when we get another ask or dare! *creepy voice*

sookie: ~bye-bye~ till then! *childish voice*

*everyone waves goodbye*

obsolete dream/flame underworld: ask or dare (mogeko)Where stories live. Discover now