dare # 17

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fireholt66: we are back with another dare and its for ivlis!

poemi: YAY! *jumping up and down*


fireholt66: stop shouting at me!

vendetto: NEVER!

ivlis: so whats my dare?

fireholt66: the dare says ivlis has to be nice to siralos for 10 dares!

ivlis: WHAT?! NO!

emalf: heh

ivlis: I have to it because its a dare.

~goes to the land of sun~

ivlis: hi dad.

siralos: good to see you again. even when I suck board games.

ivlis: haha that's true.

siralos: so, what you need today.

ivlis: you get pretty blonde hair and you need to blush it more.

siralos: ok

ivlis: ......

siralos: so.

ivlis: you are the be-best fa-father I ever had.

siralos: huh *starts walking back slowly* are you ok?

ivlis: I am fine father. *starts to follow siralos*

siralos: ggggggggrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! *starts to run away*

ivlis: hey don't run away from your own son now! *starts running after siralos*

siralos: no stop chasing me! *still running from ivlis*

~back to the flame underworld~

vendetto: I wonder whats happen?

emalf: ivlis has to be to his dad and his dad is running away from ivlis.

vendetto: ok.

fireholt66: will that happen again.

jon: we will see you guys when we get another ask or dare!

sookie: ~bye-bye~ till next time my friends!

*everyone but siralos and ivlis waves goodbye*

[nice ivlis 1/10]

obsolete dream/flame underworld: ask or dare (mogeko)Where stories live. Discover now