The main problem when it came to another person buying someone’s Protection Papers is the question of: what happens when that person dies? Or somebody has bought the rights to kill that person? Simple. The Protection Papers no longer are in play; meaning the papers are out for somebody else to buy, and if somebody doesn’t buy them in time, then there’s a very big chance that the person will be killed. With no Protection Papers you can never know if somebody’s going to get rights to kill you or not.
The person who has bought the Protection Papers very well can't run, and the person who is protected is not allowed to hide them. If they were to run, they would be found, tortured for three days, and then killed. If somebody is hiding them, then they will get a warrant out for their arrest, get arrested, tortured for seven days, and then killed. The government was brutal in their punishments; especially when the person running was running from death as it was. The only way to prevent that person from running was to make sure there were consequences that could fear anyone into doing as they’re supposed to.
The simple way to avoid wanting to run, is to be smart and not go to the Offices and look up your information. Or to get your Protection Papers as soon as you possibly could. Unless you lived in a place where you were so sure nobody would want to kill you (like those in Wickfurrow); but sometimes these peoples’ judgments can be misguided in the worst way; Like buying somebody else Protection Papers but not your own.
Not only have you killed yourself, but you’ve killed those who you’re trying to protect.
“I'm kind of in a hurry,” Michael Zander stated as he started signing all the required paperwork. Initial here, sign here, initial there. It seemed as if the paperwork was endless just to get rights to kill the obnoxious teenage girl. He wanted her dead as soon as fucking possible.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t get killing rights,” Lawrence suggested as he worked with the machine behind him.
“And these are the last two papers I need you to sign,” June grinned at them, “All of you are getting paperwork for one girl?”
“She’s our lucky charm,” The twins stated for what seemed to be the billionth time.
“Overkill, guys.” Chara noted, looking at them with raised eyebrows, “Really…I was just being a fan. Any fan would have done it.”
“Most fans just assume we have Protection Papers, Chara.” Georg replied.
She narrowed her eyebrows, “Which you should have.”
“There. Done.” Michael stated, handing the paperwork to Lawrence.
“All done!” Bill exclaimed, sliding the papers across the table to June, “You’re going to be all safe, Chara!”
“Yay.” She replied, unenthusiastic. They would leave right after they got her her Protection Papers and forget all about her. She had no doubt in her mind about it.
“Alright.” Lawrence stated, inputting information into the computer, “Five hundred sixty three dollars.”
Michael pulled out the credit card, and placed it on the counter for Lawrence to take.
“Three hundred dollars.” June stated, as Tom pulled out a gold credit card and placed it on the counter. She grinned again, grabbing it and running it through the machine in the back, calling out the familiar directions that had been given to Chara a day before.
“Alright, and that’s all there is. Once I hit enter, you’ll have rights to killing Chara Zander. Are you sure you want to? If not, I am required to delete all information I’ve just posted, return you your credit and you will go home as if none of this has happened.”

Accepted Murder
FanfictionPost world war three, and alot of things have changed. Including countries, and laws. One law specifically has changed everything in the world. The right to kill one, single person. Will Tokio Hotel be able to protect the girl who protects them from...