First Day

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Cole's POV

We finally have our first classes today. I'm ready for Literature and Knife Throwing. The class I'm least excited for is potions.
         People say the teacher, Professor Snape, is a jerk. In Literature we have Peter Van Houten as our teacher. He is a major alcoholic. Come on, he came to class with a hangover and a bottle of gin. And he is making us read his own book. That is horrible. I understand that An Imperial Affliction is a wonderful novel but for real, it couldn't get more ironic. Then in knife throwing our instructor Eric keeps on staring Hazel,Nikole and Dawn down. It is really uncomfortable. I swear once I get good at this I will throw a knife at his hands.
             After a surprisingly interesting Nephilim History class we arrive at Potions class. Why is there a dungeon in a university? Was this place built on top of Hogwarts. At least Dawn and Nikole are in all of my classes.

         Nikole's POV

         Ok, first things first.Peter Van Houten is my teacher. It's not like I hate him but how does an alcoholic become a teacher? And Eric. I swear I'm might just throw a knife into the spot that no man wants to be hit. Also why knife throwing? He might as well be murdering us. At least I have Snape. You see everyone thinks he's a jerk but I know his true intentions.
           He's a good guy in the wrong place. Cole seems to hate Peter Van Houten and Eric, which I can agree on. But Snape's not that bad. Also a dungeon. Really, It's like they recreated Snape's classroom in Harry Potter. We haven't had to turn to page 394 yet though. So good signs.

Dawn's POV

Yeah so school. That's a thing I thought I wouldn't hear again. But I'm actually really excited because I got to meet all my favorite characters from my favorite books. And I may have jerk teachers but I know two of them are good at heart.
            As for Eric well he's a jerk. And I have my best friends with me all the way.
             All through school we were told we would never go anywhere. That writing and reading fanfiction would take us no where. Then here we are in a town where our fanfictions can come to life. Also I think we made good friends.
         Yet the only thing I need now is love. The love that Nikole,Cole,and I all deserve. Ok wow this has gotten really sappy.
       Just as I continue thinking Augustus interrupts me. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Yeah just reminiscing about the past." "Oh well what about?" "About how no one believed that my friends and I would go anywhere." "Well I think that you can do whatever you want." "Thanks for the support." "Anything for a friend." "So we are friends now?" "For sure." "Thanks Augustus." "Talk later?" "Bye."
            Well that was eventful.And I became friends with Augustus Waters! The Augustus Waters! Next thing I know I bump into Nikole and Cole.
          We start talking about extra-curriculars.Cole was saying there should be a show choir. While me and Nikole thought there should be a book club. Cole immediately agreed.
And that was how our day ended.


So this is first chapter with Dawn's POV.Did you like it.And I want to add more characters from the books The Mortal Instruments,The Fault In Our Stars,Divergent,The Harry Potter.Also an OC would work too.Anyways Thank you. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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