Chapter 10

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   I wake up to darkness. I check my phone to see what time it is. 2:15 AM. I sigh and turn over, I'm met with Dylan's face. It scares me a bit. He looks so peaceful. His eyelashes brush the skin just beneath his eyes. His lips looks so soft. I smile. He looks perfect.

I place a feather light kiss on his lips before gently getting out of bed. I grab my phone and walk downstairs and get some water. I go sit on the couch and get on Instagram. I look through my feed until I get bored, then I get up and go place my cup in the sink.

I decide to write a fanfic. I had been wanting to for a while and I had the idea. I went back upstairs and got my laptop, then sat down on the bed carefully. I logged into Wattpad and started typing.

"This is the story of how I met the love of my life. . ." The words flowed out of me. I wrote 2 chapters which is pretty good I guess. Halfway through the second chapter Dylan spoke.

"That's really good." I jumped, my laptop almost falling to the floor.

"My God, Dylan. Don't scare me like that." I saved the chapter and closed the lid so he couldn't read anymore. I could barely see Dylan frown, the moon let just enough light in to see his silhouette.

"Why'd you close it? I was reading that." His voice is husky from sleeping and he's slurring his words a little. Sexy.

"Because I don't want you reading it." I lay down beside him so we are level.

"But I want to. Why can't I?" he whines. I smile.

"Just because I don't want you to."

"Whatever." Dylan huffs, closing his eyes again and drifting off to sleep.

I open my laptop again once I know he is actually asleep. I write until my vision gets blurry and my brain won't process anything. I save my draft and shut my laptop, laying it on my bedside table. I lay down and close my eyes. I drift off after a few minutes, cuddling up to Dylan's chest.


I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. I groan and roll over, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Morning, sleepy head," Dylan says, walking out of the bathroom.

"Shut up," I mumble, grabbing a pillow and blindly throwing it at him. I hear it hit something but don't bother to look and see what that something was.

"Ow," Dylan says. I can hear the smile in his voice. I hear him walk over to me. He pulls the blanket off of me.

"Get up. It's Saturday. You have softball tryouts in a couple hours. I let you sleep in as long as I could." I sit up and let my eyes adjust to the light.

"Plus, there is a surprise waiting for you downstairs." I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand up.

"Yeah. Cause I just love surprises," I say sarcastically.

"You already love this one," Dylan says, confusing me.

"Okay?" I walk downstairs to the smell of something cooking.

"Would you like a grilled cheese?" my Dad asks, looking over at me. I run over and hug him.

"You're up! I didn't think you even heard me. I was worried you'd never come out." I started crying. But they were happy tears. I'm so glad Dad's up.
"I heard you, baby doll. I heard you," he mumbles into my hair. I pull back and smile at him.

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, sweetie." He kisses the top of my head.

"Now. Would you like a grilled cheese?" He turns back to the stove, flipping it.

"Yes. I am starved."

"Okay. It'll be done in a little bit. I'll call you when its done." I nod and walk over to Dylan. I grab his hand, pulling him upstairs.

"Do you remember how you wanted to read my story at 2 am?" He nods, sitting down on my bed.

"Well I have decided to let you read it-" he cuts me off.

"Yes! From what I've read already it seems really good." He says.

"When I'm finished," I continue. The excitement drains from his eyes. He slumps, pouting his lips.

"How long will that take?" He asks, looking up at me through his lashes.

" could be a while. Writing a story takes time. I'm not even going to publish on Wattpad until I'm done. I'm might not even publish it at all. I don't know yet." He looks back at the floor.

"Okay. I can be patient I guess." I smile.

"Good." I start to go sit beside him when I hear Dad.

"Its ready!" he yells up the staircase.

"Coming!" I yell back. I walk out my door and down the stairs. My Dad hands me my plate and I go sit down. I quickly eat it.

"Thanks, Dad." I run upstairs to start getting ready. Dylan is still sitting on my bed where I left him. I go to my dresser and pull out a pair of pants, my sliding shorts, and a pair of socks. I grab a shirt of the hanger and walk into the bathroom.

"I'll be out in a few. Sit tight," I say before closing the door. I change and fix my hair, then brush my teeth and wash my face. I open the door and walk out. Dylan is sprawled out on my bed asleep.

I laugh quietly and go sit beside him. Thankfully I don't wake him up. I brush the hair out of his eyes. I grab my laptop and boot it up. I scroll through Tumblr for a while, then write some more of my story. I look to see the time. 12:30. Time to go. I gently shake Dylan.

"Dyl, get up. It's time to go." He mumbles something, half of his face pressed into the mattress. I smile.

"Dylan. Don't make me push you out of bed." He doesn't move. I get up and push him off. He yells.

"Why'd you do that?" he asks, getting up.

"Because you wouldn't get up and it time to go. Now let's go or I'm going to be late." I take his hand and walk downstairs.

"We'll be back later. I have softball tryouts. Love you," I say, walking out the door and towards Dylan's Jeep. I get in.

"Hurry up, Dylan." He starts the Jeep. I hold his hand the whole way there. When we get there I get my bag out of the back and start walking to the dugout. Dylan grabs my hand. I turn around and kisses me.

"For luck." He smiles.

"Thanks," I say, smiling and I continue towards the dugout.


Omg I'm so sorry for not updating I've been really busy. I have an idea. So softball and baseball season is starting so they'll be going to each others games. It'll be really cute. Also they might be going on a date soon. If you have any suggestions on where you want them to go, you can comment or DM me. Again, I'm so sorry. Thanks for being patient. -Kaitlyn

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