His Sleeping Beauty

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Suddenly there was a pain in his ribs and he was rolling off Rosaline. He looked up to see four guys standing there, one of them was Alec. Before he could say anything, the three other guys began kicking him over and over. He never got the chance to stand up and defend himself. He called out to Rosaline, but she was already gone. Alec had disappeared as well. Vincent tried his best to fight back, punching and kicking at the legs that assaulted him. No avail. Soon enough, he was lying on the ground, head spinning from pain. He vaguely remembered hearing Alec’s voice before the attack came to an abrupt halt and the assailants fled the scene. Vincent managed to stumble to his feet and limp off in the direction he saw Alec drag Rosaline. He found her lying on the ground unconscious. He pulled her cell phone from her coat jacket and found the speed dial to her father. He could be trusted right? Vincent explained in a shaky voice what happened, where they were. Rosaline’s father called the ambulance and arrived at the scene minutes after Vincent passed out next to Rosaline.

Vincent and Rosaline were admitted into the hospital that afternoon. Vincent had a couple broken ribs and lots of bruises, but otherwise he was fine. They checked him in for a week in order to monitor the healing ribs. Rosaline however, wasn’t as lucky. Her body was covered in bruises. They would heal, yes, but she had collapsed into a coma. The doctors didn’t know if she would ever wake up. Days went by. Soon the days turned to weeks. Vincent was released from his room in the hospital, but spent every day by Rosaline’s side. He beat himself up over the fact that he couldn’t protect her. He held her hand firmly in his.

“Rosaline, you’ve got to wake up baby girl. I can’t live without you. I can’t handle life alone. Wake up baby girl, please, I love you. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, but I’ll always be here. If there’s a next time, which I hope to god there’s not, I promise, I’ll protect you. Rosaline, remember always. Forever and always, baby girl. We’ll be together for always. I promised you that a long time ago as your friend, being your love didn’t change that one bit.”

Rosaline didn’t move.

Vincent slept every day by her side, ate every day by her side. He only left her side if he needed to, like for food or a shower. July passed by. August passed by. Early September Vincent was forced to leave Rosaline’s side. College started and he gloomily attended all of his classes. Every chance he got, he traveled to the hospital to sit at Rosaline’s side. He’d bring his homework and talk to her, telling her what he’d learned and what he had to do, talking her how he was doing it. Sometimes he read a book to her, since he knew how much she loved to read. He brought flowers for her, exchanging them every time they started to wither. September passed by. October turned to November. November turned to December. December marked the sixth month they were together, and the six month she’d been in a coma. Vincent leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“My sleeping beauty. Happy sixth months baby girl. I love you.”

Rosaline’s eyes flickered open. “Vincent?” she whispered. Vincent was overcome with joy.

“Rosaline! You’re okay. Oh my god, you’re okay!” He kissed her lips, and for the first time in six months, she kissed back. The feeling of her lips finally moving against his was glorious. He had never been happier in his entire life. Vincent raced out of the room, calling for the nurse and doctor. They checked Rosaline and said that she looked fine. They’d have to do some tests to find out for sure, but chances were they’d release her from the hospital in about a week. Vincent was thrilled. Rosaline was confused. When the doctor and nurse left, Rosaline asked:

“What happened?”

“You don’t remember?” Vincent asked. Rosaline shook her head no.

“Alec and his buddies attacked us. He… he beat you bad. You fell into a coma.” Rosaline processed this information.

“For how long?”

“About six months.”

“Six months?! I’ve missed school!”

“Rose, Rose don’t worry about it. They’re not going to hold it against you.”

“I know but…”

“But nothing. They’ll probably push back your acceptance by a year, now that you’re awake. You’ll be fine.”

“What about my parents?” Vincent kissed her forehead.

“They’re worried sick. They come to visit you every day.”

“And you?”

“I try never to leave.” He kissed her forehead again. Rosaline reached out to him and he sat beside her on the bed, taking her hands in his. The doctor came in and ran tests on her. She was required to stay a week in the hospital for monitoring, but if she was still fine after that, she could go home. She would have to be careful for a few months, but after that a checkup every year should work just fine. Vincent was relieved to hear the news. He dialed Rosaline’s parents and explained to them what the doctor said. They showed up at the hospital minutes later and showered their daughter with hugs and kisses. Vincent stood aside and watched with a thankful smile across his lips and tears in his eyes.

The next week was filled with tests for Rosaline. Vincent hardly ever left her side and her parents came to see her every day.

When everything seemed to be fine at the end of the week, the doctors told Rosaline to take it easy, but released her from the hospital.

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