(am, love, do, now.)
your jaw is lax. you hold my cheek. your eyes are so warm that i melt like a chocolate bar.
"i am in love with you"
"i love you"
"i'll do this for you"
"yes, even now."
(were, loved, did, then)
i see a muscle twitch in your jaw. your hand is at your side. your eyes are so dark. when did they get so dark? i was always particular about grammar, about words. could you blame me? they were all i had
"we were together"
"i loved you"
"i did, i did love you"
"back then"
Randomthoughts take root in my mind like so many seeds. sprouting, germinating. cup an ovule in wet palms and see how hard it grows to reach the light. this is a collection of poems about everything and nothing at all. some of them may contain sensitive m...