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song for this chapter - "roslyn" by bon iver and st. vincent

[ chapter two ]

Grace Indigo

I sat nervously on the couch in the main visiting room, waiting for the one person who had brought me so much joy over the years of being a fan of his. Ever since the news of actually being able to meet him, I had basically wrote an entire speech to tell him when I saw him. It was still a weird thought to wrap my head around. He was real. He wasn't just some pixels that I saw on the screen of my phone or laptop. He was human. A human that I was going to meet in only a few minutes.

I fiddled with my hands as I stared at the coffee table in front of me. I could feel my mother's eyes on me but I dismissed it and focused solely on the one person that I was about to meet. I checked the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

It read 10:01.

He was supposed to be here a minute ago, therefore he would be walking in any second. My heart raced as I tried to calm myself down. This whole nerve thing isn't going to fly when he walks in, body. I would appreciate if you could just chill or something.


Mitchell Hughes, if you don't get here soon you're going to be finding a very dead Gra-

My thoughts got cut off by the door opening. My head snapped from the clock to the door when I heard the sound, quickly standing up and straightening my posture. Everything stopped when I saw the brunette. He's actually real.

We were silent for a moment as I tried to process what was even happening. I wanted to tell him the speech I planned but suddenly I couldn't even remember my own name.

"Hi," he cleared his throat as he walked towards me. "I'm Mitch, it's really great to meet you."

Everything abruptly came back when I saw his hand reaching out for mine to greet me. "Hi," I  barely whispered back as I shook his hand, "I'm Grace."

Ms. Roberts came in before I could even remotely try to say any part of the monologue I had prepared, and it was probably for the better. "Well, now that you've met each other we're just going to take a few pictures and then you'll be able to go on with your plans." She smiled at me as she motioned for the photographer to step forward into the spacious room that was really only filled with a few couches and a television in the corner. "Just step in front of the window and he'll take your picture and you'll be all set."

Mitch gave me a smile as we walked towards the window and he put his arm around my waist and I couldn't even think as I felt his warm hand through my shirt's fabric. My head barely reached his chin as we stood next each other. I attempted a smile and saw a few flashes before Ms. Roberts told him that they got the photos that they needed.

"Alright, you two have fun. Your car is waiting out in the parking garage if you want to go there now. You'll know it when you see it. I hope you have a good time with whatever you decide to do." Ms.Roberts smiled at us as she looked through the short amount of photos they took.

"So, what exactly would you like to do today?" He turned to ask me, dropping his gaze from Ms. Robert.

"It's really up to you, but I do know this great pizza parlor not too far away from here." He likes pizza, right? Oh geez, he's not gluten free or vegan or anything right?

"That sounds fantastic, I haven't eaten anything since Canada and I'm starving." I internally sighed in relief. Oh thank god. One point to Grace.

We made our way down the garage after I told my mom the plan, practically taking an oath that I would text her updates on where I was and if anything was changing. Once we made it, I instantly saw what Ms. Roberts was talking about.

A white limo-type car was parked in front of the main entrance, with bold blue letters that read Make-A-Wish, with a star going through the letters. Taking a deep breath, I climbed in and mentally prepared myself for the night ahead of me.



Oof, rewriting this is weird. It's like revisiting all of these memories and I'm remembering the place I was in while writing this book and just oof. It's quite fun to come back and try to actually develop some plot, though. I feel like I just sort of stitched the entire story together last time. But look at me being all professional and making an outline :-) 


i hope you enjoyed

xoxo selah

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