The prophecy

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A.N. here is the first chapter hope you enjoy please vote and comment your thoughts I would love to hear them thanks...

50 years later...

Clan elder pov

I take my stand in front of the clan. Another member of the clan was was found this morning under the forbidden tree. I look out to the people, a few in shock, some in fear, and other not caring much. I begin my speech, it's the same speech I say after every casualty caused by the fruit of that cursed tree.

We have put out warnings numerous times and yet some of you heed the warnings for your own selfish curiosity. Eating from that tree is forbidden and this is the tragic result of that. We have reminded you that it's is suicide to take from that fruit.

Out of the crowd a young fellow stood out. Why don't we just cut the tree down or burn it to ashes?

We have tried numerous times young one. We have tried cutting it, but the tree heals quickly, we have tried burning it, but the tree releases water from it's leaves to subdue the flames. It is believed that the Spirit of Nature planted this tree here for a purpose and it can not be destroyed. It may or may not be the reason that Exodus Michaels hasn't found us yet. This tree gives off a magical aura that had seemed to protect us all these years.

If the tree was planted to protect us why does death follow after someone has taken from its fruit? I turn and see it was the same young fellow from before.

Young one I can not answer that. There are just some things in this land that can not be explained. That is all, you may now return to your daily tasks. I do not want anyone else near this tree. If it means we must guard it, so be it. Your life is worth more than an apple, cherish it.

As the crowd diminishes I turn to my wife. Sasha, any luck calling upon the Spirit of Nature?

No not yet, but I will try again tonight after I put the girls to sleep. I must head for the market I am low on a few spices. I will see you at dinner.

Alright. I give my wife's shoulder a gentle squeeze and she nodes and heads towards the market. Sasha was a white witch and her family lineage is one of the strongest lineages that is still in existence.

Sasha is the best healer in our clan, and with her knowledge of herbs she can heal almost every Aliment. She is also one of the very few that is able to call upon the Spirit of Nature.

Sasha's pov

What a shame that young fellow had a bright future ahead of him, but if you don't listen to the warning you end up just like the rest of them. Six feet underground with nothing but a wooden coffin. My husband Felix has to give them the same warning time and time again after each mishap. It is after all one of the tasks he must do since he is the clan elder.

I make my way through the busy market to buy some last needed herbs and spices that I need in order to contact the Spirit of Nature.


After dinner has been cleaned up the girls have been put to bed, and Felix has gone out to see how the pack is doing since he is their alpha.

The majority of our clan is half human half wolf, but we do have some humans, witches and aboriginals that's why we aren't considered a normal pack, rather a clan but it still follows the same rules.

Humans use their knowledge in agriculture and supply food to the village, the wolves are our protectors, they take care of boarder crossings and any unwanted guests.

The witches, we are healers, and herbalists. All our magic comes from what the Spirit of Nature allows us to use.

And finally the aboriginals, once at the age of eighteen they may choose an animal. This animal is their guide, their friend, and their helper. And just like the wolf people, aboriginals are able to phase into their animal form when Desired. There are not many aboriginals left within our clan but those that remain are our family. And we take care of family.

So as I prepare my Cauldron I set the fire just right, add the water, and the earth. In order to summon the spirit of nature one must use the four elements to draw her in for she may only be able to communicate through these elements, fire, water, earth, air. I must wait until the water is to a boil and then say the needed words.

Oh Spirit of nature, good and pure.

From the magic that you give me, I shall use to summon thee!

The water boils in the cauldron, and steam arises. And then a face forms without the steam. I bow before her. Spirit of Nature I have summoned thee.

Arise Daughter of Saphiena how may I be of service?

I stand up straight, oh Spirit, for many years we tried to call upon you for answers. Why have you sent that dreadful tree to grow in our clan?

Daughter of Saphiena it is not I that sent the tree here but it has been fated to grow here. There is a prophecy that the tree must follow through in order for peace to be restored.

I look to her with a questioned face. What peace? We have been living in peace for years.

Daughter of Saphiena, outside the boarder line of this clan is an on going war. The magic of the tree has protected your people from this war, an will continue to do so until the prophecy is completed.

Spirit of Nature, may I be so lucky to know of this prophecy?

Daughter of Saphiena, there will be sisters who have been cursed with an unfruitful womb. Their beloveds will leave their side for in search of someone to produce their heir. In their absents the sisters conclude death is their best option. They take of the forbidden and hope for death. But in there hope there is life found. That magic of the tree will cure the women and each will give birth to a girl. Unfortunately for the young babes to survive the mothers must give them their last breathe so they may take their first. These young babes will grow to be strong young women, they will not marry until they meet their mate for they have the blood of the wolf within them. They will be the prophecy that will end the war, they are the keys to bring back the lost Queens. But do not fear all those who have perished to the fruit of the tree have sacrificed their life to strengthen that, that is to come.

There was a bright flash and then complete stillness, when my sight returned the Spirit was gone.

A.N. please comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote :-)

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