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(camila's POV)

We get out of the restaurant and get in the car, i can't help but smile, i mean i've never been so happy in my whole life, then lana interrupts my thoughts and says "well, i was wondering, i mean if you're ok with it, that you go live with me and fred in vancouver, you don't have to if you don't want to" i'm shocked, like, positibly shocked "i'd love to lana" i smile and hug her, "well, we should probably go to your house to get all your stuff" i nod, we get going.

Once we get there i knock the door, my *mother* opens the door "i am here to pick up my stuff" i tell her with a cold tone of voice, she lets us in as i guide lana to my room (in the picture) "wow, you do like harry potter" she says looking at my collections of wands and other harry potter props and accesories, i blush a bit "well lets get started then" lana says with an excited voice, i nod as i open my closet and grab my suitcase (wich is shaped as a harry potter trunk) i start packing all my clothes and i hang my formal dresses in some wooden hangers then i grab another suitcase and i pack all my books and some other stuff like my ninbus 2000, of course i was NOT leaving that behind, and in a carry-on i put all my shoes and my make up bags then on my backpack i put all of my wands in their case and put my laptop and all my chargers, then i'm ready to go, i'm spending the night at the hotel with lana, i really want to start calling her mom its just that i don't want to rush things up, i guess i'll wait untill it comes out natural, i get all my stuff in the car lana rented at the airport and we drive at the hotel.

"Are you ready for your last day of school" lana asks me, i look confused "when are we leaving" i ask "monday morning, if it's okay with you" i nod "yes, yes, i just forgot tomorrow was friday" we both smile, i go get in my pajamas as i post on facebook -i will miss you all when i move to vancouver just remember that i love you all and you will always be in my heart for all eternity- i post it with a picture of me with all my friends, then i go to bed at like 9pm and fall asleep almost instantly.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock at 6am and i start putting on my uniform then i get my makeup done and i straighten my hair and put my glasses and earrings on as lana goes to the loby to get us some breakfast, she gets back in our room when i'm getting my last touch of mascara and i put my glasses back on, she bought us waffles and some bacon "aren't you going to eat the bacon" lana asks me "oh i forgott to tell you i'm vegetarian" she looks surprised, "well we should probably get going if you don't want to be late to school, i've noticed you're not the principal's star student lets say" we both laugh "i thought i was the only one that noticed!" we laugh harder as i grab my stuff as we get out of the room and we get to the car and start driving to school, lana gave me 5 dollars for lunch.

I get off the car and look for mariana and go and give her a big hug "what is all this love for" i look confused "didn't you saw my publication from last night, you all liked and comented on it" i ask her "oh, yeah, i forgott you are moving to vancouver with your new mom" she says almost careless "we are going to vitali's for melissa's birthday you in with us" she asks "yes, sure" i say sadly, she didn't cared if i left.

We got to class as my last day of school started i was actualy thinking of going to vitali's, but i wasn't sure, why should i, why should i miss them if they won't miss me back, i kept thinking when i decide to shake those thoughts off my mind and start paying attention to class, i am already too bad at physics, i just don't get anything, something about movement of the manner, wathever; classes kept passing by, english, history, spanish, then it was finaly time for recess, i just needed some time for myself, i got out my phone in a bench really far away from the teachers since we're not allowed to listen to music in school and i play lost it all by the black veil brides, wich is my favorite band, i take a look to the inside of all my bracelets, i can barely remember how it was when i had clean wrists, i wan't to tell lana i cut, but i'm afraid she'll send me back if i do, its all a gigantic dilemma i can't solve.

once the bell rings i get to class, they all go really fast; when i'm out lana picks me up at the front door of school and in our way to the hotel i talk to her about vitali's "you should really go, i mean it'll be your last time to see your friends" she says with a small smile "yeah i think i will"

someone who loves me... (lana parrilla fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now