Index , Yuki, and Toky

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I was walked to my new school in arrigoto . As I entered my friends Yuki, and Toky. Yuki's short straight brown hair and ripped jeans with a rock an roll was something you can't miss. While Toky's curly teal hair short skirt and cute white blouse attracted all the boys to her. And I Index was wearing a black skirt with a red tank top with my white hair tied into one braid walked down the hall was slammed against the lockers by three boys Loki , Ichma , and Nilo these boys are the school bad boys. As I tried to get away Yuki and Toky walked up Yuki scared them off. "Thank you Yuki ." I said as we walked the the gym. After school a group of boy grabbed me a Toky .As they grabbed us Toky read their minds to tell what they are going to do as I Beaned their blood to make them drop us . Unfortunately everyone saw us we had to move minocyco . "Well we are here." My mom said was she dropped off me Yuki and Toky walked to the school as we did arrows started shooting at us we ran into the woods and farther but they were chasing us I tripped and fell when I got up a tall cute boy about my age held a sword to my throat . "Come with me ." He said as Yuki and Toky were tied up behind me. "Come with me." He said hold the sword closer to me throat "fine." I said as he pulled the sword away . "Where are you taking us." I said as the boy stopped . He turned around and grabbed my waist "get away." I said as I slapped him. "We want you to join the brother hood." He said was he continued walking. We arrived at the base and we were shoved in all we saw was boys and men. Some of them walked up to up and others stared at us. We walked around . Soon the day was over and a new one began. I got into a black hood with my usual clothes I walked out as the boy from before walked up to me. "I'm Gajeel Redfox ." He said "I'm Index Moore ." I said as I walked away into the town. A gang of men attacked me and held a gun to my head. "Let me go." I said as I kicked him off and shot him with my gun. When I got back to the base everyone was gone with no trace . I only saw a body of a man on the floor I grabbed my stuff and walked off.

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