Chap. 1

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Emerald slipped on her cloak and snuck out of the room, her roommate snoring on her bed. Emerald hurried down the hallway and stopped at a certain door and pressed her ear to it "....know you didn't lie? Can we prove when you were born, Mr. Capricorn?"


The first voice came up again " what about you, Miss Taurus? Can you prove that your for us?"

"Constance" a third voice showed up.

"can anybody here prove it?"

After a short while a fourth voice filled the room "She's right. There's no way to prove it. That's actually good news, because I'm convinced Mr. Benedict wouldn't send a message that made us turn against one another - if not if there wasn't some way of proving the truth.The message must mean something else."

The second voice started up again "You keep forgetting, Mr Benedict is here on the Island. He's not sending us any messages. He can't be in both places at once."

the fourth voice turned on again. "That's IT!" a few shushing noises came after "that's it," he repeated "Both places at once! Sticky, what's the sign for the Gemini?"

So Sticky was his name. Nickname, in the very least. Sticky said dully "Sign of the twin." he paused, "Wait a minute!"

"That's right. I think Mr. Benedict has a long-lost brother." Rustling followed after, so they must be heading back to their rooms. Emerald nodded, as if understanding everything, and went to bed as well.

The next morning, Emerald sat up, and stretched. She stood up and changed into her messenger uniform. "Wake up!" She said to her roommate, "It's time!" She said cheerily, as her roommate groaned and looked at her angrily.

"I would rather be woken up by a stampede." Midnight grumbled, standing up as well. "I hope your proud of yourself. What did you find out on your stupid 'adventure' last night? You told me it would be worth it. Though i doubt it. Nothing is really worth anything " she frowned and picked up her messenger uniform making sure it looked spick and span.

Emerald smiled wider. "I found out. They're also on a quest from Mr. Benedict!" she nearly jumped from joy. "I wonder if they know about us!? i wonder-"

midnight interrupted, "So? Who cares. ask 'em yourself if your so excited 'bout it."

"You know? I WILL!! I'll just sneak into their room tonight and-"

Emerald was cut off again by an Executive opening the door."Breakfast is at 9 o'clock sharp, remember. New messengers should follow the rules, though there are none. Got it?"

Emerald nodded, and looked at the clock. "8:59. gotta hurry! BYE!" and she ran out the door. Midnight followed, grumpily pointing out other students who looked grumpier. Emerald scanned the crowds, looking for the four friends who spoke last night. Finally spotting them, she jogged over and smiled at them. "Hello! You must be Sticky, Kate, Reynie, and Constance. Nice to meet you! my name is Emerald Avalon. My friends usually call me Em. " Emerald stuck out her hand, and Constance grumbled something about 'stupid other student losers.' Emerald tilted her head at Constance and smiled wider. "Hello to you, too! Has anybody nicknamed you grumpy yet? No? Well, it suits you!"

Constance looked taken aback. " has anybody nicknamed you annoying? it suits YOU!" and she huffily looked away.

by this time, Midnight had caught up with Emerald, mumbling about breakfast. Emerald looked at her and pointed her out to the other four. "This is Midnight, my roommate! She and Constance would get along real well!"

Kate smiled and shook Emerald's hand, and Emerald didn't flinch or show any sign of pain. Kate smiled even wider and looked Emerald up and down. "you know, Em? it's very nice to meet you, too! I don't remember the last time i found someone with as much enthusiasm as me! I think that's why Mr-" Kate was cut off by Reynie and Sticky, who were shaking their heads and zipping their lips. Kate nodded back, and continued, "i think that's why........ i was accepted at the institute! Other students need enthusiasm, you know!"

Emerald smiled, and a twinkling in her eye made it show that she knew what Kate was going to say before the others cut her off. "Isn't the Institute strange? I mean, it just isn't normal! Secrets and messengers! and the executives? Don't get me STARTED! Jackson and Jillson are SO ANNOYING. Acting like they know all and being haughty when you ask them a simple question like 'could you repeat that? you kind of murmured that last bit' i mean, SERIOUSLY!"

Kate was smiling and nodding throughout the entire thing. "it makes it SO HARD to sneak-" Reynie and sticky cut her off again. Kate stopped, embarrassed. she turned around and murmured to Reynie "sometimes i wish other people  knew"

Reynie nodded, and took the floor. "Well, it was nice to meet you! we really need to be going, and talk over some things." he shot a look at Kate, and the four friends walked away to the hall.

After a long day of classes Em slipped her cloak on again and crept down the hall, determined to tell the four kids about her and midnight's mission. She couldn't wait to tell them that she knew all about Mr. Benedict as well! what would their reactions be? Constance would act bored. that was for sure. Em neared their door and heard a slight murmuring. she smiled and moved closer, and soon her hand was on the handle, waiting for the right moment. Soon the murmuring paused for a second, and Em took this as her chance. She opened the door swiftly, and closed it just as fast. the door was a blur, and nobody except Kate noticed it. "did you guys see that? the door opened! i'm going to check real quick." Kate turned on her flash light and shone it on the door.

Emerald was smiling and waving. "Hi, guys!" she whispered. "talking about you're mission?"

Reynie and Sticky sat there petrified. Constance was sitting with her arms folded and a smile was planted on her face. it looked like she had told everyone that Emerald and Midnight knew about their mission, but they hadn't listened. Kate had dropped the flashlight, and the beam was going wonky everywhere. Emerald picked it up and turned it off. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. It looks like Constance has told you we knew by now. I thought Mr. Benedict would have told you, though."

Kate recovered from her shock and smiled. " Actually, he just sent us a message about 'others' but we had no idea what he meant. looks like we know, now"

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