Chap. 2

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Em sat back down next to Reynie, and smiled for the millionth time. "so as you can see, we knew about you the entire time!"

They had been discussing missions. Em had introduced midnight, who was popping gum in the corner.  Kate and Constance were hardly surprised, but sticky was sweating and polishing his glasses. he hadn't taken it all very well.  Em and Midnight were supposed to be checking out the whisperer and trying to sabotage it so that Mr. Curtain wouldn't be able to go forward with his plans. ( this got a little moan from Kate, who had been wanting to sneak around and sabotage things for a LONG time) Reynie and Kate had done their best to explain their mission, but Em already knew about it, and kept cutting in to remind them of details they had forgotten. In other words, they got along just fine.

Kate smiled as well "this could help alot! i mean, if you guys help us with our mission, then we can help you with yours! all we need is Reynie and Sticky to become messengers, and then it's zippidee doo dah from there. but for now, i think it's time to go to bed. constance is almost out and i think S.Q. will be checking rooms soon." and with that, Kate and Constance went to their room, as did Em and midnight.

The morning was rather dull, but Em found a way to cheer everyone up. With her socks on her hands and faces drawn with permanent marker, they had a puppet show. It was a rather silly one, with no plot line at all, but everyone laughed and joked along with it. A few executives disgustedly swept by, 'accidentally' knocking kids over from the small crowd as they passed, but the kids were having too much fun to notice.
"Oh, shmuddikins! What a funny joke!" Em said in a squeaky voice, "I have another one..." It was just a little comedy full of random Jokes and stupid names. But Em liked it that way "what did the sun say to the moon?"
"I don't know, laughsalot, what?"
"Nothing! They'd never met!"
"Hahahahahaha!" Came another stupidly squeaky laugh.
"Okay, break it up!" An executive said as he passed. "Its almost time for class!" And he walked away. The kids moaned and trudged off to classes.
Em trudged alon with them until she spotted Kate motioning to her from Behind the building.
"Em! Thank goodness. Sticky was sent to the waiting room!"
Em gasped. And then paused. "What is the waiting room? I heard it was bad but I have no idea why."
"Neither do I, but we have to hurry! I saw them vanish behind a rock. Do you think there may be a trapdoor of some kind?"
"Probably not. Kate? Kaaaaate?" Kate was looking mystily at the rock she had referred to earlier.
"We need Reynie."

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