Shu x Yui Part 1

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Pitter-patter-pitter-patter-pitter-patter. The rain was tapping at the roof of the Sakamaki household, awaking a 17 year old girl who lived there. This girl was named Yui Komori and she was brought to this house to be the next sacrificial bride for 6 ruthless vampire brothers. Once she got awoken, she started thinking about her time spent with the boys so far. Life was hard for her, after all, she is always getting attacked by one of the brothers who is thirsty for her blood at the time. But somehow, she manages to survive, and believe it or not, she actually loves these boys. Even though they always hurt her, since she came live with them, she couldn't help but get attached. How could she not? Each of them has their own special characteristic that Yui holds close to her heart, not to mention they all have jaw-dropping looks.
An enormous clash of thunder snapped Yui out of her thoughts as she shuttered at the sound. There was no way she would be able to go back to sleep now, she was way to hyped up after that scare. She decided to go down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She crept over to her door and turned the knob slowly and cracked the door just enough so she could slip out into the hallway. Then, she crept down the dark hallway, heading to the stairs. The house was so silent, usually she could hear someone at her or at each other. But not right now, it was bliss. As she approached the stairs, she took extra precaution to make sure to steps didn't creak out of fear that she would wake one of the brothers . She was almost down the flight of stairs when she tripped on something, causing her to fall the next few steps and land with a loud THUMP. Her left arm had taken most of the fall so it was throbbing badly. She hoisted herself up with her right arm and winced a little at the pain, even though it's nothing compared to what she takes everyday. She glanced back to see what had tripped her. And low and behold, it was Shu, the eldest out of the 6 brothers, taking a power nap on the stairs. He always finds the oddest yet most comfortable places to sleep, Yui thought to herself. Shu was the laziest person Yui has ever met. He's so lazy that she constantly has to help him with daily necessities such as getting dressed and even eating. Well...maybe the helping him get dressed part was just him being perverted, but still, he can't do anything for himself. Yui kind of just stared at Shu for a few moments because he hadn't moved and was still just listening to his sweet classical music coming from his MP3 player with both ear buds plugged in his ears. It was like he didn't even notice her falling over him. Eventually, she stood up and figured she should wake up the blonde haired boy, just so nobody would trip over him and to prevent him from getting a punch in the face. She was still staring when she went over to his limp body, afraid that if she did something wrong, he would hurt her. Suddenly Shu grumbled, "Are you going to help me up? Or just stare at me?"

Yui was speechless.

"Well?" The vampire asked opening an eye as he was getting impatient.

"Oh yes, of course, I'm sorry Shu." She extended a helping hand, which he grabbed. He laid there for a moment or two. Now Yui was the impatient one, "Are you going to get up or what?" However, she immediately covered her mouth with her available hand as she realized that was probably the wrong thing to ask.

The boy just kept staring at Yui before speaking, "Rude. Now you should help me get undressed so I can sleep more comfortably." Yui couldn't believe what he wanted her to do. But then again she could because it was Shu.

"Uh, r-right here? D-don't you want t-to go to your room f-first?" She stuttered.

Shu let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, why not? There's nobody else here anyways." He talked in such a deep, raspy voice, probably because he never fully recovers from his naps. He was still holding Yui's hand so he tightened his grip before yanking Yui down on top of him so she was now straddling his waist.

"S-Shu, what are you doing?" Yui asked completely surprised by the boys actions. He now was holding both of her wrists and he guided them to his collarbone and Yui could feel the bones and muscles under his shirt. He was wearing a gray button-up shirt with black jeans and a beige sweater.

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