Reiji x Yui Part 1

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All that Yui remember was her tripping over something...or someone. And then black. Just everything black. What was going on? Why couldn't she remember what happened? Yui had just woken up and was sitting in her bed quite distraught. She was a little frightened because she fell down the stairs, and now she was in her room. That meant that someone had to have carried her back. But who? Clearly it was one of the Sakamaki brothers because they're the only ones in the house. But since it was one of them , they had to have done something to her. None of them would leave her unharmed. Yui started inspecting her body and sure enough, she had fresh wounds. Her arm was sore, that probably meant one of them shoved her to the ground or grabbed her so tightly that it bruised a little. Her foot also had a bandage...wait...does that mean one of them bit her foot? That's weird, that's not something they would do. But then again, she does live with vampires and everything they do is unexpected. She glided her hand across her neck, and sure enough, there were brand new bite marks. She winced at the pain in her arm, foot, and neck. Why were they so horrible to her? What did she do to deserve this? Is this the punishment god is giving her? But for what? It didn't matter right now, she just wanted to figure out if she had blacked out for a random reason or if one of the brothers had hurt her. Well of course one of them hurt her, but she'd still like to think that something else happened and it wasn't actually one of the brothers. Yui slowly got up and limped over to the door. The moon was high in the sky meaning it was Sunday so she had no school today. The girl opened the door and poked her head out.

Suddenly Kanato came running trough the hall with his arms up in the air carrying his teddy in his hands wailing something, "It wasn't me! I swear!"

After that Ayato and Laito came right behind him practically stepping on Kanato's heels, "We know it was you ya little bastard! We're gonna kill you!"

Yui shut the door hoping none of them had seen her, but the little blonde couldn't help but giggle, boys will always be boys. She looked down and gasped, she was in her panties and bra! How had she not noticed? It seems like everything has been slipping right past her mind lately. Maybe she just needed to relax. She decided to take a bath. Yui walked over to her dresser and gathered a new outfit of clothes, a towel, and some lotion for the bath. But where was her nightgown? She can't go walking around the house like this. She scanned her room and saw it laying at the side of her bed...on the floor. Yui almost fell down in disbelief. She never leaves her things in a mess. She shook her head at herself as she walked over to pick it up. Yui put it on, picked up her things, and walked over to the door. When she opened it she dropped her things. The triplets were all together, forming a wall outside her door by connecting their shoulders.

Yui tried to close the door but Ayato shoved it open, making Yui fall to the floor on her behind, "What's up pancake? Ya know, it's disrespectful to shove doors in people's faces. It'll surely get you in trouble one day."

"Ayato, Ayato, no need to be rude," Laito said as he picked something up from Yui's pile of fallen clothes, her panties, of course, "Wow, I had no idea my little bitch liked to dress so nicely for me, hehe."

Yui gasped, "Give those back!" The boys were playing monkey in the middle, with her underwear, tossing it back and forth to each other. All the while, Yui kept running towards the brother who had her panties but of course they threw it again before she could even reach them. The game was useless, Yui knew she couldn't win so she just sat down, in hopes that they'll leave her alone.

"Oh no, it looks as if Yui is no longer interested in our game, teddy. That's awfully mean." Kanato told his stuffed bear, making puppy dog eyes.

Laito leaned down, still holding the frilly panties, "I'll make a deal with ya, little bitch. You were just going to take a bath, right?" She nodded, "Well, I promise I'll give you back your panties but only if you let me come with you to the bathtub." Laito winked at Yui, making her feel very uncomfortable.

"Laito! I'm gonna murder you in cold blood! How many times do I have to tell you!? Pancake here belongs to yours truly. Now stop acting like she's the type of person who could be shared!" Ayato yelled at Laito, shoving him to the ground. Yui couldn't help but grin a little, Ayato actually referred to her as a person! A real actual person!

Laito sat up and stared at him, "Hehe, I think that our little bitch over here wants us to share her."

Yui backed up a bit before someone else came into the room, "How many times must I tell you, take your personal activities to your bedroom." It was Reiji, "Now everyone get out, I came to find Yui and now I must speak to her alone."

The triplets left, making Yui relieved a little bit, but Reiji wants to talk to her, that can't be good, "W-what did you want to s-speak to me about R-Reiji?"

"Stuttering is not lady-like, you really need to learn your manners. Now follow me." Reiji walked out of the room, down the stairs, and over to the kitchen. "Was this you who made this mess?"

It was a pile of blood, with drops in a trail before ending at the counter, "U-uh I don't think so. However, I did have a blackout last night and I really don't remember anything."

Reiji had a displeased look on his face, "Well don't just stand there, clean it up, it's disrespectful to leave your messes laying around like this where someone could slip and fall. Especially don't leave messes in a house that isn't yours."

He grabbed a mop from behind the counter and shoved it into her hands. Clearly he was waiting for Yui to clean up her spilled blood. There was only one problem, 'I can't clean,' Yui thought to herself. Yui's father never showed her how to.

"Well? What the hell are you waiting for!?"Reiji yelled, getting impatient.

"Um...well you see...I'm not exactly sure how to do it." Yui replied in a quiet voice.

Reiji was mad now, no he was pissed, "Oh, so you want a lesson? I'll give you a lesson alright." He pushed hard on the mop, causing Yui to fall in the pile of crimson red blood. "Now, you need to clean!" Reiji yelled as he started kicking Yui around on the floor, smearing blood all over her clothes.

"No, Reiji," She struggled for air when he kicked her hard in the stomach, "I'm...sorry, I'll...clean it up...just no, more...please." Yui begged as tears started to run down the side of her cheek.

Reiji let out a bellowing laugh, "What, I'm showing you how to clean, so watch and pay close attention." He grabbed her wrists and pulled her up onto her knees. She was whimpering as she dangled from his grasp. "You should see how pathetic you look right now." Reiji tossed her arm away from him and walked off. As he was walking away he said, "If it's not cleaned up by the time I'm back, I'll give you a night of pure pain and torture."

Yui sat on the floor for awhile, holding her hands to her chest. Eventually, she picked herself up and grabbed the mop and cleaned up the area. She even cleaned a little extra just to reassure that Reiji wouldn't hurt her anymore than he already has. Yui put the mop away and speed walked to her room, she was thinking about running to get there faster but then she remembered Reiji hates that. She's already upset with as it is, so she didn't want to do anything to provoke him. Once Yui got to her room, she picked up the pile of her clothes, lotion, and whatever else she had. She then walked over to the bathroom, closed the door, making sure to lock it behind her so she could have some peace and quiet. She turned the water on warm and carefully undressed, making sure not to put pressure on any of her fresh wounds. Yui then slowly sat down in the tub, wincing a little at the pain. The girl finally relaxed a little and allowed herself to drift into a deep sleep. She dreamt of her father, her church, and her old home. There was never a time when she felt so homesick until now. BANG! BANG! BANG! Yui awoke suddenly to someone pounding at the bathroom door.

So here's my second part! This one is about 1000 words or so less so I might edit it later on. Plus it was shorter because to be honest, Reiji isn't my favorite character and I didn't know what to write for him. Anyways, everyone have a great day and thanks for reading!

I hope no ones mad at  me for making Reiji the bad guy. And poor Yui, she doesn't even know how to clean. XD 

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