Kanato x Yui Part 1

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Kanato stared at Yui with his vicious purple eyes, "What's wrong Yui? Why are you walking away from me?"

Yui was visibly shaking, "B-because Kanato, you're going-g to h-hurt me." She stutters a lot. Especially now, she can't help it!

"Now Yui, why would we ever do something like that? That hurts our feelings, isn't that right, teddy?" He looks down at the bear. It's eyes looked like they were boring holes right into Yui. She has never seen such a creepy stuffed animal. The poor girl didn't know what to do so she just stared right back at the teddy in it's owner's arms. Her eyes move with the bear as it moves...up. She tore her eyes away from it to see a very angry Kanato. At first, Yui thought he was going to throw the bear at her but instead he set it down on a low branch of a nearby tree, leaving one of it's legs dangling down.  


She was cut off immediately by the boy, "SHUT UP!"

Yui gasped and tripped on a tree root that was sticking up out of the ground, how typical. She quickly scrambled to get on her feet. She was in crawling position, facing away from the psychotic boy. Yui started to crawl away, but was back on her face in a matter of no time. Kanato had grabbed her leg and pulled it back swiftly, causing her to lose her balance. He climbed on top of her and Yui winced. She was scared. Extremely. Because she had a creepy vampire on top of her. Even worse, it was Kanato. He's so unexpected and you never know what move he'll make next. So she was scared. Mostly for her life.

Kanato grazed a finger against her cheek causing her to shiver, "Now, now, what in the world shall we do with you, mhmm? Would you prefer I take your eyes out and shove them down your throat so you can see your hideous insides? Or would you rather me tie you by your feet and hang you from a tree, then call the wolfs out for dinner?"

Yui's eyes immediately widened, "K-Kanato, please...n-no."

He cocked his head at her, "I like that expression on your face. It's the expression of fear. Won't you please keep it like that forever?" Kanato leaned down and licked her cheek, "No, I think I'll save the torture for later, right now I'm hungry. " He moved down towards her neck and dug his fangs deep in her skin. Yui screamed loud enough to break a mirror. She pushed Kanato off of her small body with all the strength she had and ran like hell.

She ran and ran and ran until she came to the rose garden. Her breathing was heavy and she knew Kanato would be here any minute, and boy, was she going to get a punishment for this. Speaking of the devil, "Yui! Why did you do that!? I was just trying to play with you! Now come out, come out, wherever you are so we can finish our game." He let out a loud, sadistic crackle. Yui's eyes widened so wide she thought they might pop out of their sockets. Maybe this was a bad idea after all...maybe she should've just let him suck her blood and then it would've been over eventually. Now, she has to deal with his anger. She bolted again but she knew she couldn't make it to the house. Her only option was to hide in a rose bush. So she chose the nearest one and started crawling in. Yui winced because on her way in, she scratched herself on the thorns, she mentally cursed herself for doing something so stupid. Once she was far enough in the bush, she sat down and tried to stop the bleeding of her cuts. However, she failed to stop the bleeding and she failed to remember that vampires have an extremely strong sense of smell.

"Heheh - Yui, how could you be so stupid? You got cut and you're clearly bleeding. Come out, I'll help you with your booboos." He said in a baby voice. When Yui didn't come out from her hiding spot he got even more mad, "Yui! Fine, if you won't come to me, I guess I'll have to come to you! This'll be easy though." He laughed again.

Everything was silent. However, it didn't last long. Yui tried to keep her breathing to a minimum and she could hear Kanato's light footsteps walking on the stone walkway. He was walking on the walkway behind the bush she was in. When he reached her spot, the footsteps stopped. There was no noise, for minutes...just silence. Out of no where a small hand drove straight through the sharp thorns and wrapped around Yui's neck. She froze, just sitting there still, with Kanato's hand around her neck. He could kill her, right then and there. It would all be over. For some reason, Yui didn't try to release his hands off her. Maybe she wanted this? Did she want to die? If she did, then the Sakamaki brothers couldn't harm her anymore. No. Wait. She shot back to reality. She didn't want to die, not yet anyways. She grabbed the cold hand, trying to rip it from her neck. Kanato, however, took advantage of this. Since she was hanging on, he had a better grip. He forcefully pulled his hand up, still holding on to Yui's neck, which made the girl bounce out of the bushes. However, doing so, she got more cuts, which of course Kanato didn't mind.

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