M.A: The Interview (Part 1)

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I've changed my username from Minecraftplayer234 to koko_ninja

Koko_Ninja's POV

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. My name is Koko_Ninja, and today we'll be having a special guests coming over you be interviewed."

I say to the camera with a smile.

"Please put your hands together for our first guest, Niki Mako!" everyone claps as the purple haired girl comes out a d faces the audience. "Sup." she gives a little wave.

"Niki, its good to see you. Come here and sit." Niki sits on the chair aside from me. The way she is sitting made it obvious that the chair is uncomfortable for her.

"So Niki, How's a going?" I ask with a kind smile. She moved around in the seat a little."Bad, because this chair is so uncomfortable. You could've gotten something better."

I laugh and signal one of the worker to turn on the sign that tells the crowed to laugh. The sign glows bright and the audience starts laughing their butt off.

Niki is looking around confused. Probably wondering what's do funny.

"You're too funny. Anyways, let's ask some questions from fans." I grab the index cards of the small table next to me.
"Alright first question. If you could date any other guy than Kiba, who would it be?"

Niki thinks for a moment. Then starts to answer."I rather date Kakashi."

"Why Kakashi out of all the other guys?" the audience is on the edge of their seats, waiting for Niki to answer.

"Well, Kakashi is a really nice guy. He always protects me, always there when I need him. So...yeah." she blushes a little. Which made me giggle.

"Next question, if you were to have a kid that's a girl, what will you name her and why?"

"Rin, because I LOVE blue exorcist. And Rin is just so hot!" Niki bounces up and down in the chair. I just hold up my hand for a high five."Rin is hot. And his smile is too cute." I say to Niki. Then she high fives me.

"We should be best friends KoKo."

"I agree."

I move to the next index card.
"What's your favorite song that's in Japanese?"

Niki stands up all excited to answer.
"Unravel, from tokyo ghoul!"
She loves the same song as me!
I stand up and we hug each other.
"Where have you been all my life?" I ask her. She smiles,"I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Forget this interview. Let's go hangout somewhere." I say with a smile. Niki agrees and we leave.

Thanks for reading this chapter.
I really hope you enjoyed.





。a wonderful day.

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