Chapter 17: Tripping is Just My Thing (Alex)

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Chapter 17


Tripping is Just My Thing


I really couldn’t help myself, it was unavoidable, it really was.

            This was all I could think as I shut the door soundlessly behind myself and stared at the street-light lit road ahead of me. Earlier, I had to lay in my bed and wait until I heard my parents fall asleep, and when they finally did I couldn’t help but sneak out. I had to see Dale, if I didn’t I knew things would end between us.

It was way past 9:00, which was the time that we were supposed to meet, and I was afraid, as I lay in bed earlier, that he had decided to give up on me.

            I sprinted down the street, staring at my faint shadow below me, lit by the faint glowing moon. The night air was humid and I could hear crickets everywhere. I don’t know how to explain it, but the feeling in the night gave me energy and lifted my mood. I didn’t want to ever stop running, but I found myself in front of Sydney’s house a half an hour later. Thank God she lived relatively close. I’d figured that Sydney might be willing to drive me to Dale’s house, her parents wouldn’t care. Taking my parents car out was way too risky. I hoisted myself up and peaked through her window, praying that she would be inside.  To my massive disappointment… she wasn’t. I sighed and pushed myself away from the window and back outside. I slid my back against her house and sat, defeated, on my butt.

            What now? It was all too late. Dale was surely going to break up with me, and there was no way that I was going to be able to get to his house without a car. I didn’t even have a cellphone, so I couldn’t even call Dale to explain things to him. I collapsed on the ground, irritated, and stared up at the sky. I can’t even travel, I never learned how.

            I picked myself up and was ready to head back home, but to my surprise I could see a figure ahead of me, running right towards me. I was scared, suddenly, and realized I was defenseless. If it was one of Owen’s travelers, I would have to run. I’m still pretty sure that when I beat up those travelers at the gas station, it was all a lot of luck and the result of watching too many combat movies.

            The figure suddenly stopped a few feet away and I could tell they were staring straight at me.

            “Who’s there?” A nervous voice asked, and I could tell who it was instantly.

            “Jesus, Sydney! You scared the living shit out of me!” I whisper-yelled to her.

            I could see her shadow slump in relief and I hurried over to her. “You’re the one standing in front of my goddamn window like a freaking pedophile!”

            I rolled my eyes at her and got straight to the point. “I need a favor. I know it isn’t really fair of me to ask for more from you, but I need help,” I said once I reached her.

            “What’s wrong?” she asked.

            “I need you to take me to Dale’s house,” I said, upset.

            “Dale isn’t at home, he’s at the party that I was just coming home from.”

            I sighed in disappointment. “Oh, a party…”

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