Roleplay Plots

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Me and (1/5) have been dating for a while. It was a Friday night and there was a terrible thunderstorm outside. (1/5) knew I was terrified of storms, and the dark. Especially if I was left alone in them. But he loved to watch my small petite figure shake and tremble. He loved to hear me whimper. He loved how innocent I was. He in a way, wanted to wreck that about me, but at the same time, he didn't cause it's something he loved about me. I bit my lip as I sat crisis crossed in the middle of our shared bed, watching him intently as he played with his lighter, smirking. I shook slightly and my
Heart beat picked up slightly when he turned out the lights. There was also something different about him. He was a demon. He had special powers (whatever you want them to be.).
(Hi. I'm Rachal. Brown hair and green eyes. Continue as (1/5) please? he's completely dangerous. He's a criminal and should be locked away. He's very mysterious and sometimes can be creepy. He also loves to torture her by turning the lights out and creeping around. He also loves fire and he loves to see her innocent petite body get scared. She hates fire and knives, guns, anything dangerous but he loves to torture her with them but he doesn't necessarily hurt her. He does love her though. This is meant to get dirty. I am the original writer so please give credit. Thanks lovely.) ~Credit to Raygan!~

••looking for long response, descriptive, One Direction roleplay on kik. I do doubles. If you're interested, please just leave your username and I will message you.••

~looking for descriptive, long response role play on kik, I will gladly do both prompts.~

Three weeks. 1/5 has three weeks to live his life. And change one special young lady's life. Forever. Will they fall in love only to torn apart by death? Or will the known fact that they only have three weeks together keep them apart? Will she save his life? Or will he save her's? Three weeks, to live, to change a life, to fall in love or break a heart. (So I know this sucks. Like. Really bad. But please give it a shot. I have collar bone length brown hair, and blue grey eyes. Pick whichever boy you want.)

Hi! I have over 40 prompts too choose from, and I will gladly read your's too. I have a kik, and prefer to do it on there. Just don't reply with only a few words, give me full sentences to work with. Don't use *these* or -these- when talking or speaking. Use "these" when you talk. Let me know if you want to roleplay here or on kik! Thanks love!

We have been dating for a year and You thought it was time to reveal your power to me. You have complete control of all time and space. You have stopped all time except for yourself and I and you bent reality in that although we can feel pain, we can't break bones, tear muscles, or anything like that. We are in a room of descent size with a touch screen on the wall. You have created this set up for me. Your challenge is this: We both start fully clothed in whatever you choose for yourself and whatever I choose. Then we wrestle with each other, hard core, but every time you surrender, you take off a piece of clothing. If pass out its 2. The looser is whoever doesn't have any clothes left to take off and they have to do any one task for the winner. When I look at the touchscreen I see several images for the location of our match. There is a wrestling ring like you would see on TV; a room with carped floors, soft walls, and a bed; A ring with a hot tub in the center floor; just an in ground hot tub surrounded by sand; a large inflatable pool that has been covered with oil; a large bounce house; and a large inflatable pool filled with honey, chocolate syrup, and wiped cream. "Take your pick. If you want to do it somewhere else just say so" you say. (I would prefer if he wins if that's cool. Sorry if this is weird just thought I'd try something new. I'm Paige. Blonde hair and blue-green eyes that sometimes change color. Please continue as Niall?)

Psych ward. I'm the new patient in the psych ward. Night terrors. Cutting. Anger/trust issues. I've tried to kill myself seven times. One less than 1/5. Who is showing me around. And apparently. Because of lack of space. Is my roommate. I'm sharing a room. In the psych ward. With a guy. Wonderful. I hate people. I haven't talked in two years. I don't have friends. I've never been hugged. Never been kissed. My family disowned me. Will I ever become me again? Or will I be like this forever? (Hi! I'm Rachal. Continue as 1/5. Just let me know who. Long brown hair and blue eyes.)

I cock the pistol and take a step closer to the closet door of this bedroom, of the house, our main suspect lives in. See. I'm an NCIS agent, we investigate navel, and marine deaths, or murders to be exact. We are dealing with a serial killer, and a good one at that. They leave no bullet behind for testing, no finger prints, no gunshot residue, no signs of forced entry, no footprints, no traces of DNA, nothing. Only the body. Your the next target, and your in the closet. Of that bedroom. Of the main suspects house. Your a marine. I open the closet door to see you sitting on the floor, in uniform, terrified. I help you up, seeing the bomb in the corner of the closet. I started the timer by opening the door. 15 seconds. I grab you, knowing we wouldn't make it down and out and of the house before it went off. I get you into the bathroom, turning the bathtub on its side, I get you so that when I flip it over, it'll surround you, I go to slide under myself, but can't before the bomb goes off. I get the bathtub down, surrounding you, but leaving myself, fully exposed. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Long black hair, blue grey eyes. Continue as 1/5. Just tell me who. I think you can pretty much start with just 1/5's thoughts as the bomb goes off. Thanks.)

I'm walking down the street one fall night, pulling my hoodie closer to me, as the cold wind blows. I'm 19 years old, and I just got in town. I'm lost, lonely, confused, cold, bruised, tired, and just about ready to give it all up. I see a bridge where the water is nipping at the sides of it, rushing fast and angry with new fallen, cold rain. I stop and look down into the water, staring at the clearness, even though it's raging to the point of foam on the banks of each side. I loose my footing and start to slip as you pass me. Will you learn my story and help me? Or will you make my life a living hell? (Please continue as 1/5 and tell me who. Thanks!)

1/5. The school's badass. He has tattoos, he smokes and drinks and gets in fights. It gets crazy sometimes. We've been neighbors forever and in a way we're best friends. You tell me all your deep thoughts and problems. I don't know why, but you always come to me. As do I with you. But we are complete opposites. I'm the 'good girl', I always do my work and never get in trouble. But what I have always been able to hide from you is my abusive father, knowing you wouldn't be able to hold yourself back if you ever saw it or heard something like that, or anyone hurting me. Im also completely hesad over heels for you. Now, it's two am and you're in my kitchen with a cut under your eye, on your arm, and a gash in your stomach. I'm sitting on top pf the counter and your standing in between my legs. I dab a cotten ball with rubbinf alcohol over it. "Stay still." I whisper. I'm wearing a black and pink lace thong and your grey hoodie. My hair is in a messy bun and my eyes are still clouded with sleep. (Hi! I'm Rachal, I'm 17, and 1/5 is almost 19.)

Band? I'm in a band. With four other boys. This could present a problem. See. I'm gay, not a straight bone in my body. And they are all so cute. Mainly that one. What do I do? Do I tell them I'm gay? Do I hide it? Will that one like me back? Or will they all hate me if they find out? (Continue as 1/5. And I'll be the other boy. I know this sucks but. Yeah. Tell me what boy you want to be, and I'll pick who I am. You'll be the one that my character is scared to tell, because he likes him. Thanks!)

Photo shoot time. I'm a model, who's just getting started, long black hair, icy blue eyes, full red lips, high cheek bones, perfect curves, smooth tan skin. Your 1/5. We were both selected to do a nude photo shoot for some charity I'd never even heard off. I bite my lip as I walk onto set, the robe still around me. I'd never done this before, let alone with someone so attractive. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Continue as 1/5? And obviously it's okay for this to be dirty. Take it anywhere. Just tell me who you are.)

Fast and furious. That's my life. But you have your little gang of ex cops, and criminals that still somehow fight crime. You and I had a road race, and I won. But now you need my help, because I'm one of the worlds most known military cops, born and raised in Russia, but too American parents, my accent is somewhere in between, and I speak/read/write several yher than you. 1/5. (Hey! I'm Rachal! Continue as 1/5. Just tell me who you are. Can go anywhere.)

I walk away from the house as the fire I just started starts to blaze out of control. Crime is my life, killing, stealing, drugs, anything to feel the rush of being in control over the people who know what I am able to do. And it's all because of what you turned me into. My dad was a careless man and he made so many mistakes when it came to my mom and me my and my younger sister. I was the careful girl who wondered what love really was. I met you one night while walking on the beach. You, 1/5, a complete and total rebel, gang leader, now I run the gang with you. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. (Hi!! I'm Rachal! Continue as 1/5, just tell me who. I ts based off of Taylor Swift's Mine!)

For twelve hours, one night a year, all crime is legal, anything can happen, no one is there to help. Most people lock down their houses and continue with their normal lifes, some lock it down and hide. I live with a few of my friends, and we pretty much just lock the house down. Some Purges I will go out and participate but I find it dafer and eaiser to stay inside like normal people. This year is slightly different however, you come along, running from some unknown group of killers. And me being the brilliant person that I am, I let you in my house... (Hi, I'm Rachal. Continue as 1/5. Tell me who. May help if you watch the trailer on youtube)

We lived in a world where all girls became slaves at the age of 17, to when they died. We were taken away from our families, and put in basically a warehouse of slaves. The guys came here and picked out their slave. We were used for cleaning, cooking, shopping, reproduction or just plain sexual pleasure. We had to do anything and everything out 'masters' told us to do. They also chose what we wore, whether we could eat, sleep. We even had our own rooms for when our masters didnt want to bother with us. 1/5 was following the guide as he told him about each slave. He stopped in front of the same room I was in, to tell 1/5 about another slave. Our eyes met, instantly locking on each other. I looked innocent, fragile, scared. "What about that one?" 1/5 asked, gesturing to me. "Oh, her? That's Ariana, just turned 17, so she's new. She hasn't been used or bought yet. She's very quiet, shy, doesnt talk much, but doesn't give much trouble either. She's really sweet though. Piercings, tattoos." My eyes never left his, and his never left mine. "How much?" 1/5 asked. "Since she's new, 5 grand." The guide replied. Slaves did cost a lot, depending on their age, race, and how many times they've been used (passed around). "I'll take her." 1/5 said as the guide nodded, handing him the paper he had to sign. (Hi I'm Rachal black hair and blue eyes. I prefer to do this on kik, so if you have one please tell me your username. This is my prompt and I don't mind if you use it, just please please please give credit. You can continue as any of the boys, just let me know which one. This is meant to be dirty, but it can also be aggressive or romantic if you want. Feel free to call names, I don't mind. Please use correct grammar and "..." Instead of *...* or -...- when your character is speaking, so your characters actions don't have to have anything around them. Thanks lovely!) ~Credit to Ariana!~

"What's going on between you and 1/5?" Allen Carr looks at me then to my band mates, Sara, Anna, Sam, and Kenna. "Yeah, what's going on?" Anna elbows my side. "Nothing!" I look around trying not to grin. Something was going on, but 1/5 and I didn't know for sure what it was. We stayed with one another all the time, shared a bed, got into tickle fights, cuddled, shared a peck on the lips once and a while, and if we felt really bold, we would go skinny dipping in the pool in my backyard. "I'm sure that's the truth." Allen smirks as a video of me and 1/5 running around the house, me in a pair of his boxers and one of his tees, him in nothing but sweats, plays on the screen behind us. "No! 1/5! I don't want tickled!" I giggle as I pass Sam who's secretly video taping this. (Hi! I'm Rachal! Continue as my band members, and Allen for a little bit, then continue as 1/5, just tell me who.)

"Okay class." I look around the room. "Class!" I snap and everyone sits down. "Thank you. I'm Miss Wetzel. Your substitute. As you know, your teacher had her baby last night, and can't come back to school." I look around again, you catching my eye. Fooling around. I look at the seating chart. "1/5! Sit. Down." I look at you. This is going to be a fun year. A real fun year. (Hi! Im Rachal! Please continue as 1/5. Can be dirty, tel me who you are. I've got outfits for this rp too.)

.I'm an angel. Literally an angel. God sends me to earth to help people, mainly teenagers who are having a rough time. I was nineteen when I died, that why I help teenagers. I was sent to help you. You would be drawn to me right away, and attached. There is no fighting it. Your suicidal, depressed, angry, sad, and sometimes even a little happy. But my time to help you is limited. Unless, under one small condition, God allows me to stay. We fall in love. If we fall in love, I am changed in my human form, forever. (Please continue as 1/5. Just tell me who. Take it where you want. Can be dirty.)

Surfing. It's all I know. I love the water. Maybe that's why I'm a marine biologist. Not only does my work take me to the water, my hobby does too. Hawaii is my home, although I grew up a girl in a small, redneck town in West Virginia. I walk out onto the beach early in the morning, planning on getting some surfing in before work. I smile as I look out at the waves. One other person is out there. Tall, tan, tattooed. I run out on my board and catch my first wave as you paddle too me.

The sound of the music mixed with the moans of various guys, who are all getting pleasured in some way or another. I'm a waitress, dancer, and stripper at a bar in Bradford. I walk past your table, and look over at you, noticing no one had stopped to see if you wanted anything. I walk back, my heels clicking, as my barely covered hips sway with the music. "Need anything?" I look down at you. (Please be Zayn! He's not famous, but he knows the boys from school. Can be dirty.)

I walk back into the old prison. This is my home, along with many others. After the paranormal tool over, we retreated here. Only the best could survive. You had to know how to hunt, kill, fight, and protect yourself and the small groups you worked with. I'm the leader of this group. I pull my hood down and look at the others. Zombies, witches, vampires, werewolves, had all taken over the world together. You have to be, like I said a badass to survive in this world. I hear someone behind me a turn around pulling my knife out. It's you. 1/5. (Hi! I'm Rachal! Continue as 1/5! Tell me what boy! Can be dirty!)

I watched as his inked, pale skin showed barely visible through his sheer white button up; causing every girl's eyes to be locked on him, pooling atjust the mere sight of Mr. Styles. My tongue flicked hungrily along my

bottom lip as his calloused fingers pointed towards the various nonsense

scrawled along the board; thoughts of how they'd feel running along my skin

caused me to become scatter-brained. "Now class," his raspy voice bellowed

along the room, calling my mind to attention, "I want you to write a paper,

on erm...Your favorite memory." He stated smugly, causing each eleventh

grader to groan impatiently. I bit my lip, I didn't have any good memories, and I knew I was failing his class. Great. The bell rung, signaling class was over. I stood up and grabbed my stuff. {I'm Rachal! I have brown hair and blue eyes. Respond as Harry, please!} ** Credit to original


"1/5. Can I talk to you after class is over?" I look into rows of desks and find you with your head down. Your not sleeping, your just pre occupied. This has been happening for a week or so, normally you volunteer to answer every question, the only one to do their homework, the first one done with tests or papers. Now, you don't even look up when I teach, you don't do your homework, and you've failed the past two tests and all the papers I've given out. I'm only two months older than you so, I figure whatever is bothering you I may be able to help with. (Hi! I'm Rachal. I'm 1/5's teacher. Please continue as 1/5 and tell me what boy you are. Feel free to take it wherever you want. Can be dirty. Up to you.)

Drugs. Alcohol. Guns. Blood. It's all I've ever known. My mother died three days after my birth protecting me when a rival gang, your fathers gang, broke into my house to kidnap me. I grew up with my dad and brothers, non of which wanted anything to do with the gang. My father, shot and killed in a fight, left the gang to me. My tattoo blares to the world that I'm the leader. I'm mellow at first. Unless you interrupt me when I'm doing something I like. And that's just what you did. My drinking contest. You grew up the beta, never knowing the power of a leader till your dad died. (Be 1/5? In this I'm talented in other things than leading a gang.)

He beats me. Yells at me. Calls me names that seem to be burned into my brain. He uses me as a sex toy, like I don't even matter for anything but that. He's always drunk when he's home, the rest of the time he's rehearsing. Tonight was no different. I come home from work only to be slammed into a wall. I try to fight back, being I'd had enough. (Hi! Im Rachal. Please continue as 1/5. •can be dirty•. Tell me what boy. Feel free to take this anywhere, just make him see that what he does is wrong!)

Hair so black some say she was born from fire. Eyes so icy some say she could freeze a man just by looking at him. Skin so tan and smooth some say there is no way the queen is her mother. Lips so red some say it appears she just drank the blood of a man. Teeth so white some say they it looks like the perfect pearl makes up each one. She is the princess. But she is unlike any other. She grew up the baby, with four older brothers and no sisters. She doesn't watch her language, she's not proper and clean, she'd rather train in the mud and sun with her brothers than sit inside in a dress and sip tea. When the enemy kills her father, she is allowed to avenge her fathers death and go to war with her brothers, the first time a woman has been allowed in battle. Her mother is making her meet with the best fighter in the kingdom. 1/5. Rachal walks in and looks at him, knowing they say he's the best there is. They are wrong. 1/5 will soon be shocked by her abilities and talents with the weapons of the time. (Hi! Im Rachal. Continue as 1/5. Just tell me who you are. Can be dirty. Feel free to take this anywhere. Thanks!)

I'm a boxer. 1/5 is my husband. We have a little boy named Zander Phoenix. 1/5 has always said he's tired of me being gone all the time, always practicing, and having guys so close to me. I answer with the same old, 'it comes with the job babe,' bit. I kiss Zander good bye and whisper into 1/5's ear. "When I get back tonight we will have some fun." I told him that every night before I left. Little did I know tonight would be different. 1/5 was going to take everything. The baby, and every piece of them that I have. When I get home, I see everything but furniture gone. On the table is one of our two goldfish, and some food for it, my favorite book, and my jump rope I train with. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Please continue as 1/5. Tell me what boy you are. And we will get back together in the end. It's much like the One More Night (Maroon 5) music video!)

It was my first day as a councilor at your school. I was only 19, I was considered 'advanced' and was allowed to go to college early. I went around to all the classrooms giving out a survey, one might say, of your personal lives, so I could see who I wanted to talk to. One stood out. A lot. Thoughts of and attempted suicides. Cutting. Being beaten. And this one just so happen to be yours. I bite my lip as I walk into your home room class the next day. "I need to see 1/5. Please." I look at the teacher. Being young my outfit was a bit provocative. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Continue as 1/5. Just tell me which boy. Feel free to take this anywhere you want. I have outfits to go with certain days and events. •can be dirty• Wearing; )

**credit to owner**[Please tell me if you're reading? If you dont like it please tell me and i'll send another. I have a bunch Xx] My dad was getting married again to someone name Jay Tomlinson. Apparently Im gonna have a brother and everyone tells me he is a pervert! I stepped into the new house and saw a brunette boy with 'sex' hair walk out of his room tiredly in boxers. I stared at the boys abs. "Enjoy the view" he smirked. (Heey,my names Rachal! Bleach blonde hair, bright/big blueish- green eyes, tall, skinny but curves in the right places, and tan. I'm wearing short shorts and a cami. Please continue as Louis! Can be dirty!)

•please tell me when reading. ZIAM BROMANCE• it was the first day of 12th grade. I had lived here before, but moved when I was 14. I was always bullied then, due to the fact I was overweight, acne, braces and just plain unattractive. But I was now fit, muscular, clear skin, perfect teeth and everything. I smirked as I walked through the front doors of the high school, catching some stares. I noticed one was from a dark-haired boy, one of my main bullies from middle school. Good thing I was unrecognizable. (Please continue as Zayn?. Can be dirty, romantic, abusive, I don't care. Feel free to call names. I prefer to do this on kik so if you have one please let me know or just tell me your username. I'm also on my phone so you probably won't see me typing. Credit to owner.)

Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn were doing charity work in America. It was pretty much like the lottery. They

had to draw from a bowl, to see the situation they would be in, it didnt matter who, what, or where in America. They had to do it. Harry chose first, getting a little boy who's mom abandoned him with his military father at birth, his father had just been killed in action. Niall got a girl who just won her battle with cancer. Liam got a family with money problems. Louis got a family who'd lost everything. And then there's Zayn. He got stuck with me. A stubborn, rebellious, fighting, bitchy, depressed, bipolar yet sweet, shy and sensitive 19 year old girl. My mother was killed in a car crash. My father killed overseas, much like the boy Harry got, but I had my brother. My abusive, drug addict, booze drinking, ass of a brother. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Please continue as Zayn?)

So I was a murderer? And kept their bodies in a barn? And then dug a hole at a part and burried them? And then I turned the barn into a closet? And then my friend found me in the bathroom with a swimsuit on and there was blood all over the floor? I was drownding? Then my mom told her not to turn of the water because she wanted me to die? Then she took me to the hospital? Then the doctor said it would be good if I died? And for some reason my stomach was bleeding? She took me to another doctor? The doctor said I was parilized for 1 month and 2 days because I lost so much blood? (Hi! I'm Rachal. Please continue as 1/5 and make him the doctor I wake up too. Just tell me boy you are.)

So? Maybe I did murder someone. I wasn't hired, or out for revenge, and it's not my job. I am a gang leader. I was brought up in a world of guns, drugs, and blood. The tattoo on my neck, collar bone, and chest blare out to the world that I am a gang member. The scars on my arms and legs, and across my back and stomach come from the knives and bullets that have entered my body. I am immune to the pain, I keep going no matter what. I don't like killing, but it's what my life has come too, I kill for the rush of it, or when someone makes me mad enough. My mother was shot and killed days after my birth. My father died protecting me and my brother, leaving me the gang and authority over my brother. I only killed him because I was protecting myself. I killed my brother. He had joined a rival gang and was about to tell them my one and only weakness. Love. I'm afraid to fall in love, to get close to people, to trust. (Hi. I'm Rachal. Please continue as 1/5. Tell me what boy. He is part of a rival gang, and comes to talk to me about my brothers death.)

Werewolves. Vampires. Demons. They were all real. Me? None of that. I was a hunter. I hunted the wolves. The vampires. The Demons. I hunted them all. This world wasn't what it used to be. Vampires and demons teamed up. The wolves tried to stop them, but there weren't enough of them. That's when they decided to join the vampires and demons.The last few humans either had the vampire change them, died, or became hunters. The hunters had secret groups, hunting groups, but I was alone. I didn't mind though. People just got in my way. So how did we know who was a human, a vampire, a were wolf, or a demon? That's simple. Humans look completely normal, most of them buff, others weak. The vampires, pale, freezing cold, eyes that send chills down your spine. The wolves, tall, strong, warm, they were the most beautiful of all the creatures. And the demons, chillingly scary, they're eyes were all black, most have dark hair, they're easy to spot. As usual, I was out hunting. Pitch black, is all I saw as I walked down the alley. A gun strap thrown over my shoulder as I scanned the area. My eyes darting across the pavement as I heard feet running. They soon came to a stop. I turned around, slamming into someone. A hot hand, hitting my hand. I looked up at the tall figure, blue-green eyes shimmering under the moon. Blonde hair peeking from under the black hood he wore. Werewolf. I jumped back, quickly pulling my gun out. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," He said, putting his hands up in defense as he slowly approached me. (Hey, I'm Rachal. I have light blue eyes and long wavy dirty blonde hair. Continue as Niall? Thanks so much if you continue! I also have kik if you want to continue there. Thanks again!)

I'm the princess. My father is the king, a mean and strict one at that. I am not allowed to date anyone other than who he says. Before my mother died, I was allowed to date anyone, even a commoner from the village, if I felt I was in love. My mother had been a commoner, and after she died, my father made a strict rule against dating them. I hate the fact I have to marry the prince from the neighboring kingdom. I'd rather become a commoner myself. We discover one day that my father has fallen ill, and may not make it. It leaves me a week to marry the prince, unless my father dies first, then I can marry anyone I want. I decide to go walk about the village. I bump into a commoner. (Tell me what boy is the commoner.)

Okie and basically the five of them are a gang, Louis being the leader, he controls everything, Niall just sort if does what hes told, zayn deals with the drugs, harry is sort of like the hit man,he does all the dirty work, and Liam is the soft one that wants to be out if the gang but at the same time, he enjoys it

"I didn't mean it!" 1/5 yells at me, anger showing on his face. "Then why the hell did you do it?!" I yell back, I wasn't going to stand for this, not after what he'd done. "I was drunk!" He screams taking a step closer to me. "That's what you always say!" I scream back, not moving. He grabs me and pushes me against a wall. "Let go of me." I hiss out. I'd let him abuse me enough. I'm a fighter, always have been, and always will be. "Why should I? Your just my little toy anyway." He hiss back. "Oh, I see how it is, you prick!" I push him off me. "Mind repeating that Sugar?" He grabs my hips again. "I said your a prick." I push him off me and walk out of the house, slamming the door behind me. I'll just go stay on base, I mean, it's my home anyway. Right? Maybe I'm not cut out for being in the military, or dating a celebrity. I'm just his little toy. Right? I wipe the few tears that had fallen, and keep walking. (Hi! I'm Rachal. I've got long blonde hair and blue eyes. Please continue as 1/5, just make sure you tell me what boy your going to be! Make him abusive, and mean at first, then you can take it anywhere you want. Can be dirty. Thanks love.)

"SHARK ATTACK!" I snap my head up from the game I'm playing on my phone as soon as I hear this. I jump up and run towards the water as people swarm out of it. Am I the only one willing to help? I can't see any lifeguards, so I must be. I see a head poke back up the water, and hear a gasp for air. Blonde hair blue eyes, perfectly snow colored skin. I see the water turning red around him. I continue to run out into the water until my feet won't touch, I grab a surfboard someone left in the water and go to work paddling out to the boy. When I get to him, I manage to pull him back to shore. He looks up at me, and holds his hand up. I gently take it in mine and lay him on the sand before grabbing my phone to call for help. He parts his mouth, "please don't let me die," his voice cracks as I move the phone from away from my mouth and look right into his eyes. "I won't. Just trust me." (Hi! I'm Rachal. I've got blonde hair and blue eyes. Continue as Niall? It can be another boy if you want. ~can be dirty~ Thanks love!)

I'm Rachal Levine, yes, I'm Adam Levine's little sister. Just like Adam, I sing. I prefer to study though, in rather shy for a college student. Adam forced me into a dress from this party, he also made me paint my nails, see, I'm not the most girly person in the world. Why is he making me come to this party? To meet people, to try to bring me out of my shell. While I'm at the party, I ran into Zayn freaking Malik. Zayn Malik. Of One Direction, and newly single might I add. (Hi! I'm Rachal. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, both my ears are pierced five times, my hips are pierced, and I have five tattoos. Continue as Zayn, and sometimes Adam. ~can be dirty~ Thanks love!)

I look out at the crowd, a huge one at that. Today is the Forth of July. And for some reason, someone somewhere decided to hold a massive concert with the worlds best singers. I am one of them. I take a deep breath as I look back at my best friends, who are part of my band. The all smile, and nod, signaling that they are ready. We preform that song, and then it's some British boy band's turn. One Direction, I think. I bump into one of them on the way off the stage. Tall, muscular, dark hair, big brown eyes, tan smooth skin. Tattoos, and pierced ears. I mumble a sorry and keep walking. (Hi love! I'm Rachal. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I also have a kik, if you want to do this on there. Let me know!)

I tried committing suicide. Now I'm in some teen center, until I get 'fixed'. Or that's what my parents told me. They are the reason, along with my 'friends' that I'm in here. The nurse told me today, after handing me a form to fill out, that they will match me up, with a kid my age so we can do therapy together, and have someone to talk too. That made me happy, someone my age that understands me! Finally! She told me two days later that they had found a boy my age for me to start hanging out with. I look up from my book to see him. Almost black eyes, tan skin, dark, perfect hair, tall. He looks nervous. And I guess I probably do too.. (Hi! I'm Rachal! Please continue as Zayn! Can be dirty at some point if you want! Thanks love!)

17 year old Zayn, was lounging on the sofa in his room, wide eyes on the screen as a pornographic film played on and on. It was past midnight, his parents asleep and his 18 year old step sister, Rachal , far too lost in her studies upstairs to even question that the boy wasn't up in bed like he was supposed to be over three hours ago. The young lad watched as the boy and girl on the screen grew more and more intimate, the girl spreading her legs and moaning out pleads her partner. Zayn grew hard in the confines of his jeans, hating that he couldn't tear his eyes from the sight as he slid his hand down his pants. He also loathed the fact that the girl looked like Rachal, but more slutty, and Zayn loved watching her. He never thought of his step sister as fit, not in this way. But now all he wanted was her. He moaned out absently, hand wrapping around his length. (Hi! I'm Rachal !(: I have long blonde hair, and eyes that start silver, and flow out in an ocean blue shade. Please continue as Zayn*can be dirty*) ~~Credit to Sierra~~ (I have a kik too)

(Please tell me when you're reading) Dark, intimidating, angry, he doesn't believe in love. He doesn't believe in feeling anything. Why? His mother died when he was born and his dad brought him up in a scary, bloody world: the world of his gang. The rush of getting high, of stealing, of fighting, of sometimes even killing is all he's ever known for emotion. The black swirls that mark him as part of the gang blare out permanently to the world on his right shoulder. His father, shot and killed in a fight, gave him the gang. He's the leader. He calls the shots, makes the rules and everyone's afraid of him. Nobody crosses him. As far as girls? He's a partier, a flirt, a womanizer, and he gets what he wants when he wants it. The pounding music of the party invigorates him and combined with the alcohol, he's extremely unpredictable. His eyes rest on her and he smirks, starting to make his way towards her. She's much shorter than him, couldn't dream of putting up any kind of fight even if she tried, although he probably wouldn't hurt her, or so he thought. But she's different than the girls he usually goes after. Her eyes were darker, more determined,dangerous almost,and the daughter of a rival gang leader. But that only makes him walk faster. (please continue as Louis. My name is Rachal and i have blonde hair THANKS xx)

(Tell me when your reading!!) I was up on stage with my bandmates, at school preforming yet again. Kenna was enojoying her drum solo as Michael starts laying the piano. Carter and I are singing and playing the guitar side by side as always. I look out to see the new boy, Louis, staring at me yet again. We had some classes together and I'd caught him staring once or twice. (Hi I'm Rachal!! Please continue as Louis, and my bandmates as needed. I have a kik, just ask. If you do this, I'll love you forever! Please use '' and not - or * when you type!! Please include thoughts and actions when typing!! Thanks love!)

(Tell me when your reading. Jack The Giant Slayer based role play.) I was standing there listening to the king talk. "I want you to assemble a team of your best men to find my son!" He tells his head soldier. "Sir! I'd like to volunteer to find Louis." I look up at him on his beautiful black horse. "But your just a young girl." He replies as he dismounts. "I am the same age as your son. And I have training in combat situations." I reply and he has me taken to the castle to be fitted with at armor. (Hi!! I'm Rachal. This is a Jack the Giant Slayer prompt. Louis is the one taken by the giants. I am the one finding him. It is set in modern times, with old time twists. I have a kik. Thanks love!!)

(Tell me when your reading!) "You have to trust me." I look into Louis's eyes. I was hired to protect him from some crazed serial killer. I'm Rachal, a trained killer. I work for the U.S government, NCIS to be specific. "I don't trust anyone anymore." He replies backing away. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Im blonde with blue eyes. I have more prompts if you want them. I prefer to rp on kik so if you have one tell me! Thanks love! I will also read any prompts you have! :))

(BROMANCE ROLEPLAY!! I KNOW THE BOYS ARENT GAY!! ITS JUST A ROLEPLAY!! Tell me whn your reading!) I'm the new guy, Liam. I walked into homeroom and the teacher points to a desk in the back of the room. Of course it would be by the jocks. Great. One of them was already looking at me. The next thing I know he is walking to my desk. (This is a Ziam roleplay. Zayn is gay but is scared to tell Liam. Liam is straight or is he? I have more rps, and I have a kik. rachal8122)

I'm the popular girl. Nobody knows how smart I am, or that I wear glasses, or that I sing and play guitar. "Zayn c-could you help me with my math?" I walk over to your desk. You were the nerdy virgin, that had no friends. You paint, and sing, but nobody knows. "Yeah, break starts tonight, so you could drive over and I'll help you." He replies glancing up at me from her book. "Thanks." I scribble my number down and walk away. (Hi! I'm Rachal. Please continue as Zayn. He's not famous yet. He is very nerdy, a virgin, has no friends, and doesnt get out much, at all. I have a kik, just ask for it. I also have more prompts, lets me know.)

(Tell me when your reading!) I sat in a chair and waited for you to wake up, "what a perfect place to spend the night with a guy you just met." I think to myself as I look around the police station. I return to relatity look at a very awake and very sick Harry Styles. (Hi, Im Rachal! Im short, curvy, and kinda chubby. I have chest length blonde hair, and dark grey, blue eyes. Please continue as a sick, and confused Harry Styles. . I have another prompt if you want it. Thanks, love!)

(Tell me when your reading!) I was walking around downtown London at 2:30 in the morning, in lace leggings, hightop converse, a see through black top, and black lace bra on. I was looking for a way to make some money. I stood on a street corner, when someone came up behind me very drunk. "Come with me," He yelled, grabbing my arm. I fought back, but I wasnt stong enough. Then I hear "Leave her alone." in a husky, raspy voice. The voice came closer, and took me by the hand, and said, "She's mine." making the the other man leave. "Thanks." I mumble. "Your welcome, now lets ge you off the street." He said, getting into a car, as I followed. Then I relized it was Harry Styles. (Hi, Rachal! Im short, curvy, and kinda chubby. I have chest length blonde hair, and dark grey, blue eyes. Please continue as Harry Styles. I have another pormpt if you want it. Thanks, love!)

(Tell me when your reading!) I was sitting in Honors English. "Partner work." The teacher anouced. "I'm picking your partners" I groan, being the smartest kid in the class, I would get stuck with one of the other, not as smart people. I listen for my name. "Jade Thomas, and Harry Styles." The teacher said. I thought, "Harry, but he is smart." "And I like him." I get up and walk over, noticing Harry's massive boner. "Hey," I mumble, looking at his eyes. "Oh, Jade, hey." He trys to cover himself up. (Hi, Im Jade! Im short, curvy, and kinda chubby. I have chest length blonde hair, and dark grey, blue eyes. Please continue as Harry Styles. Must me over 16+ because this will get dirty. I have another pormpt if you want it. Thanks, love!)

(Please Tell If Reading!) 1/5 was always bullied. He always took the pain. I was there to help him, but I got caught into my studies, and "forgot" about him. I rarely visited him, and I never knew he had depression. He always seemed fine when I was around him. It's about a year since I've last talked to him, and when I knocked on the door, he was surprised as hell. He looked so different. I didn't know what to say, as he hid is wrists into his back pockets. (Hi, Im Rachal Im short, curvy, and kinda chubby. I have chest length brown hair, and dark grey, blue eyes. Please continue as . I have another 1/5 pormpt if you want it. Thanks, love! I also have a kik, just ask for it. ~can be dirty~)

I was in the shower, washing my hair when I started thinking about my best friend Gemma's younger brother, Harry. Harry was about my age. He was cute, but we didn't talk much. Gemma, had to leave this morning, but I was still staying at her house. When I came up stairs to get in the shower, Harry had been walking around in his boxers. I laughed it off like I always did. I was about ready to get out when Harry knocked on the door. He asked if he could come in, he sounded sick. (Hi, Im Rachal. Im blonde, short, and curvy. I have green eyes like Harry. Please continue as a very sick Harry. This is meant to be sweet and meaningful at the beginning, as Harry gets better, it will get dirty. My kik is rachal8122.)

I heard the boys downstairs. I'm Liam Payne's "baby" sister Rachal. I hadn't seen the boys in three years. Back then I was a bit too chubby, I had glasses, braces and no boobs. Now, I'm 19, taller, still chubby but more curves than anything, I wear contacts, and a C bra. Back then I was a girly girl. Pink nail polish, sparkly clothes. I had changed so much. Now, I wear makeup, have a tattoo, of a wolf, I wear alot of black, a leather jacket and combat boots. I walked downstairs in Liam's batman shirt and green lace panites, nothing else. 1/5 is trying to tel to shut up becasue he doesnt feel good, thats when he sees me. "Is that Rachal?" He asks shocked, sounding sick. "Yes, no stop staring." Liam throws a pillow. I walk to the fridge and get water. I go back to my room, and in a little bit, 1/5 knocks on my door.(Hi, Im Rachal. I have brown hair, I'm short short, and curvy. I have blue eyes. Please continue as a very sick 1/5. This is meant to be sweet and meaningful at the beginning, as Harry gets better, it will get dirty. My kik is rachal8122. )

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