30 years later

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You: *Sitting at the kitchen counter eating hot pockets with your daughter*

Your daughter: Mum...

You: Hm? *takes a bite out of the hot pocket*

Your daughter: did you obsess over YouTubers in your teenage years?

You: *Chokes on the hot pocket* *looks into the far distance* Yes. Yes i did.

Your daughter: Did you have a favourite YouTuber? *looks at you with interest*

**Ryan walks in**

Ryan: I was her favourite

Your daughter: ...

Ryan: ...

Ryan: *silently takes your hot pocket*

You: *Has a heart attack and dies.*


n/ wHAT is with Ryan and hot pockets? xD
anywayzzz, dear silent readers -- and the rest of of you (: -- please please please request some imagines! Comment or private message me your name and imagine idea!! Remember, updates are kind of up to you, because if i run out of ideas, i will have to discontinue this book. ): I don't want that to happen, so i would appreciate some help! (:
i less than three you ! <3

Ryan Higa ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora