The Baby

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I wake to the sound of my alarm. The face of my alarm clock glowed with the time. It's 5:30 a.m. I get out of bed and get cleaned up and dressed for the day. I leave my house and start my day.
I stop to pick up my girlfriend Alice.

"Morning, babe." I say as she steps into my car.
"Good morning", She says as she leans in to kiss me.

We've been together for about a year and a half. We met at a student leadership conference in Florida the summer before freshman year. We were playing a game where we had hold a ball between our backs and run across a field and race other teams. We lost our balance and fell to the ground and I fell first and she fell on top of me. We had one of those nostalgic movie moments where the two leads eyes meet for the first time. We didn't start dating right away like they do in the movies, we were friends for a year and we both knew we had feelings for each other and then i asked her to homecoming, and right in the middle of a slow song I put my hand on her cheek and leaned in and kissed her softly. In that moment it seemed like everything disappeared and it was just us in that moment that I knew that she was the one.

After she got situated in my car I pulled out of her driveway and cranked up the radio and the song Cheerleader by OMI was on the radio. We belted it out together.

Alice and I are that one couple that every school has that one couple that have the exact same interests and have so much in common and just have a really mature and trusting relationship.

We pulled into the parking lot of Starbucks.
We walked in and I didn't even have to ask her what she wanted.
I ordered her a Grande Java Chip Frappuccino and an old fashioned glazed doughnut, and for myself I ordered a Grande Hazelnut Frappuccino and a devils food cake doughnut.

We always go to Starbucks in the morning.

We always get to school around the same time everyday. When we get there we always go to the choir room and work on whatever songs we have been working on recently and talk to our teacher Mrs. Pagrizinsky. We have the class first period so we always go and work on stuff early. After that we usually work on whatever dance routine we are learning for whatever competition we have coming up. We both dance in ballroom dancing competitions all around the country.

I'll spare you boring details about the rest of my day up until lunch.

I meet Alice in the parking lot and we always go to Panera Bread for lunch, but as I get to my car Alice is not there but written on my car window with white window paint was the word "PROM!?" and in the bottom corner was Alice's signature. I turned around to see her standing there with the biggest smile on her face. I ran up to her, picking her up and spinning her around. Her lips met mine and we just stood there for a moment and I gently whispered in her ear, "absolutely!". We kissed once again this time even softer and sweeter after a few more minutes of enjoying the moment she said, "come on, I'm hungry"

"Ok, Let's go eat.", I said.

We got in the car and drove out of the parking lot. I turned on the radio and began "jamming" as I usually do when Alice turned down the radio and continued staring out the window.

"What's wrong babe?", I ask.

She turns to me, "Do you remember when we went to the cast party for the play last month? When we both got really drunk and then we woke up next to each and we had obviously......."

"Yeah", I say, "why?"

"Did you...You know wear..?" Her voice trailed off, but I knew what she was asking me and my stomach dropped.

"I don't think I did", I said, as a pit formed in my stomach.

"Tommy, I'm pregnant", she said with tears welling up in her eyes.

I pulled the car off to the side of the road, we both just sat there in silence. After a moment i leaned and kissed her gently on the lips.

"I don't care what I have to do", I say placing my hand on her stomach," I will do whatever I have too for you and this baby. I am going to be a father to this child and i will protect you and the baby no matter what I have to do.

She kissed me gently again and we decided to get lunch and that we would discuss the details with our parents and the counselors at school. I was both scared and excited to be a father but I wasn't sure if I was ready.

After we got lunch we didn't talk much for the rest of the day. I think we just both needed some time alone with our thoughts.

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