The Tragedy

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Prom was tomorrow and we both had things we needed to do before then.

When tomorrow rolled around Alice and I got up early and went to breakfast to discuss details about the baby and to sort out a time to make a meeting with the counselors to get her schooling sorted out. We decided that we would try to find an apartment together with just us and the baby. I also had a little something in the works about an engagement proposal but obviously I didn't tell her about it. We also decided that the day after prom was when we were going to tell our parents. I wanted everything to be perfect for her and the baby. I wanted us to be that one couple out of like 1,000 that actually make a high school pregnancy work.

Alice went home to go get her hair and make up done and I went home to get cleaned up for the dance as well.

When 7:30p.m. rolled around I left my house to go pick Alice up and I texted her to tell her I was on my way.

When I got to her house I walked to her door carrying a bouquet of pink roses, her favorite flower, and rang her doorbell. She stepped out the door and she looked as beautiful as ever.

"You look amazing", I said.
"So do you", she said.

We went to the dance and we danced all night. It almost seemed like this pregnancy had already brought us closer together as a couple.

After the dance a bunch of our friends went to IHOP. Alice and I went back to my house to change into some more normal clothes. We went to IHOP and ate and hung out with friends, before we knew it it was already 3:00 a.m. So Alice and I decided we should leave. We got in the car and started driving. We got about half way home and Alice decided to lay her seat back and take a nap. About 20 minutes later, I started getting really tired. I closed my eyes for what felt like two seconds and when I opened my eyes and saw headlights directly in front of me. I swerved to avoid colliding with the other car and in doing that I hit another car and spun off the road. Alice had been woken up by the commotion. When we spun off the road we spun to the side with a hill and we then proceeded to roll down the hill. I only remember small flashes of what was happening.

When I woke up my car was at the bottom of a hill and the first thing that came to my mind was Alice and the baby.

"Alice!", I yelled out weakly getting no reply.
I began calling her name over and over again. I was unable to move because the steering wheel was crushing my legs. I suddenly saw someone running toward the car and flashing red lights at the top of the hill.

I began to black out.

I woke up in the hospital, my dad and my grandma were in the room with me. They both came over to the bed and hugged me but the only thing I could think about was Alice.

"Where's Alice, is she okay? I asked. They both just looked at with the most sympathetic and sad face I've ever seen and my body just went numb and I could feel a lump forming in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes.

Alice was dead, my baby would never be born, I'm not going to be a father. These were the only things going through my mind.

It seemed like I had everything in the world, a great person to be with, a baby on the way, a great high school reputation and in an instant it was all gone. It wasn't long before the entire school knew what had happened, they even knew about the baby, my life was never the same after that.

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