What am i feeling?

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"Perrie?....perrie?...PERRIE!!" "Huh!" I then snap out of my own thoughts and look up at Leigh "Perrie are you okay you've been getting really distracted " "Sorry i just get lost in my own thoughts... So did you find out where the office is?" "Uh yea come on follow me" "okay" "..." "So perrie i saw you talking to that girl earlier who was she" "Oh her name is Jade ..Jade Thirwall " "Hm she seems nice,and really pretty" 'The most beautiful girl I've ever seen' I thought to myself •Time Skip• We finally got to the office and we saw a lady in her Mid twenties "Hello girls how can i help you today" "Uh we are new here and would like to get out schedule " "Oh okay i just need your girls names" "Oh Im Leigh-Anne Pinnock, and this is Perrie Edwards" I look up at the woman and smile."What beautiful names ,It will take me a sec to get your schedules" "okay"leigh says and then checks the time on her phone "8:20 hm that means we have 10 minutes till our classes starts" leigh says 'Maybe I'll have jade in one of classes im really looking forwards to that' i say to myself "Alright girls here's your schedules " the woman says as she hands leigh our schedules "Thank you" "No problem girls" we then go out to the school yard and sit on a empty bench "Here you go Perrie" leigh then gives my my schedule I look at it to what classes i have 'Okay. So i first Have Math,Language Arts,science,social Studies,Art,Lunch,P.E,and Cooking class? Hm?' "Hey leigh what classes do you have?" "Um first i have Math,social Studies,science,P.E,lunch,Art,and Dance class" "Hm okay so we have Math and Science together " "yay at least we have 2 classes together " "yeah" i look down and play with my fingers "Hey" leigh puts two fingers under my chin so we can look at each other "It will be okay nothing is gonna happen,and if something does just know im always here for you sweetheart:)" "okay thank you love " I then give leigh a tight hug "Come on let's head to class it's about to start in 4 minutes " I then stand up and walk to math class with leigh,as we were walking i saw Jade with her friends 'She is just so beautiful,her eyes i get lost in them' my eyes moved form her eyes to her lips 'her lips are so soft so kissable the way she smiles gives me butterflies'I say to myself •Time skip• We entered the classroom and sat in the back Leigh sat next to me on the left.Students then filled the room as the bell rings."First period went by fast,"Bye Perrie see you in science class :)" "Bye leigh :)(" We then go our separate ways 'Okay up next Language Arts'I walk into the classroom and sit in the very back,This girl comes in and saw me in the back and walked up to me "Hi do you mind if i sit here"she then points at the chair next to me "No I don't go ahead " "thanks uh my name is Ally .. Ally brook :)" "Oh my name is Perrie Edwards" 'She looked familiar 'Hey wasn't she one of Jades friends?' "Uh hey aren't you friends with Jade Thirwall?" "Oh yea! " I just nod like a dork and look down at my fingers "Okay class today we are going to Blah Blah Blah" •Time Skip• It was the last 5 minutes of class and the teacher gave us some free time to talk or be on our phone,but it's not like kids weren't doing that already during class,I wanted to talk to ally but she was on her phone so I didn't want to bother her so i did the same i took out my phone and went on instagram "Oh whats your instagram i want to follow you" i then look up at ally and smile "Uh okay it's Perrieeele " " Okay I'll follow you right now" I saw my account pop up when she typed in my username ,I then followed her back i looked through her account she was pretty but not as pretty as Jade.The bell the rang "See ya perrie you seem really cool we should hang out sometime:)" "Sure you seem cool too bye:)" i then packed up my books and walked out of the classroom.'Okay next up science yay I'll be able to see leigh^•^' I look inside the classroom no one was inside yet so I decided to wait for leigh so we can go in and sit together.As i was waiting I saw jade but she was walking towards me "Hey Perrie! So what classes do you have i want to know if we have any classes together " "uh okay" I then handed her my schedule "Okay we have P.E,Art,and Cooking class together:)" " Really! Okay cool" "Well i have to go to class se ya later" she then winked at me and walked away 'That wink gave me so many butterflies in my stomach What is this feeling i get every time i see her am I falling for her?' I repeated That question again and again in my head.I then saw leigh looking around sorta confused,I waved my hand up in the air so she can see me,eventually she saw me and ran up to me "Oh My God i have to get use to this school it's so hard to find my classes when theirs a bunch of students walking around"leigh said with a giggle "it's been going good so far for me" "see i told everything would've been okay :)"

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