♓️3⃣⚡️⚡️🚫 (HELLO) My name is Bæbert but people call me Bæ for short! I thought it was a compliment, but the way they treat me tells me it's not. So what if I don't have a real friends. My mom tells me that it's not healthy to say that my phone is my best friend, but I'm not one to lie so yeah! I'm pretty much on her 24/7, and yes it's a girl and her name is Bessy not Bess, Bessy! I have a portable charger plugged in like always.💁🏻 We have our private talks and our couple dates. I even know her favorite color, SIRI! Ha but seriously we have great talks. We go on walks and she is always in my hand. To me she's my Bæ.💋 Then out of nowhere the biggest bully ever comes in and takes her from me! Talk about "Mister steal you girl!!!!!!!!" I was so mad that I slapped him and you know what he did...he through her into the Mystery Meat at lunch!!!!!!!! I was so crushed! Bessy was my life, I didn't know anything but her. My mom tried her best to help, she told the school and bought me a new phone, but is that Bessy? No! So I knew what I had to do and so I went to the cafeteria and smashed my face in the Mystery Meat and... To be Continued
De TodoGoals such as snapchat goals, Instagram goals, family goals, Bæ goals, and mucho mucho more! Read to find out