Chapter One: Lost Love

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Jessie held onto Gareth's limp body, the blood on the ground had become cold and sticky, Jessie's hands were covered in it but nothing seemed to faze her at this moment. The one she loved was dead and it was all thanks to Rick Grimes who was still standing over her, looking down at Gareth's dead body with an emotionless expression. Jessie couldn't even look at Rick, the sadness and angry that was running through her mind at the time prevented her from even looking anywhere other than Gareth's dead body.
The air was cold and growing colder every second, Jessie was starting to shiver but she continued to ignore it. When she heard Rick scoff at the dead body of Gareth, she finally had enough and stood up before punching Rick right in the face causing him to stumble back. Jessie glared at him momentarily before kneeling down beside Gareth's body again. The blonde's hair was stuck to her cheeks, from the wind blowing and the stickiness of her tears. Everyone was quiet and nobody had spoken a word since the trigger was pulled, it's as if Alexandria was dead as well. Jessie buried her head in Gareth's chest and squeezed onto his lifeless hand, pleading for him to wake up but there was no hope.
Hours and hours had past before Jessie finally was escorted home, when she arrived home she collapsed onto the couch and held tightly onto Gareth's black leather jacket he had given her just moments before they arrived at the meeting. "I loved you..." She sobbed as she held onto the jacket. "Why'd you leave me?" She continued to sob as she held tightly to the jacket.
It felt as if Jessie was dying, every light she had inside her heart was slowly burning out. Every ounce of love was lost and the blonde just wanted to be with Gareth, so she went to her kitchen and pulled a knife from her cupboard. Jessie held it tightly in her hand and let a few tears run across her face as she dragged the knife across her wrist, letting out a high pitched cry as she did so.
The woman was leaning over her sink watching the blood drip onto the steel of the sink. Her head started to feel a little dizzy from the loss of blood before she finally passed out from blood loss. The end of her life was near, she could feel it and she wasn't scared to die. The darkness was slowly overwhelming her and soon there was nothing but darkness.

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