Madison to Leslie

43 5 0


Omfg answer your phone

Leslie srsly wake your ass up we need to talk

Well sorry for not being up at hmm what time is it? 7 in the morning? 😡 What do you want?

I have some gossip, It's about Reagan 😈

Ooh, Spill the beans girl

Well 1st, she's going around saying that u fucked her brother

Excuse me? She's saying that I fucked her brother, Matthew? Why would I do that? He's ugly anyways. I'm going out with Austin

But did you do it?

Maybe 😜 but shhh

K anyway, last night after Clarissa's party, I found out that Reagan and Daniel had sex!


Oh, but they did

Wow, wait until the whole school finds out about this. Her "reputation" will be over

Reputation? She has a reputation? More like resuscitation cause that's what she'll need when we're done with her 💁

Anyways, Clarissa's party? I didn't get an invite I always get an invite

IKR I didn't get an invite either but she told me that it probably got sent to the wrong address

That lying little bitch

She probs thought that if we came we would just beat up all of her friends. Cause if I went, I'm sure that's what I would do

😂😂😂 Wyd

Texting Austin (And Matthew) 🙈

Ooh Leslie u little devil 😈


Gtg Mom is calling me for breakfast


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