Lovely Couple

41 4 2

hey babe

who are you calling babe. Babe

lol. Anyways I heard Clarissa sucked Liam's dick.

ME TOO! I also heard that she is a alcoholic and she had a wicked hangover. Thats why she didn't come 2 school yesterday.

I can't wait till school starts again on Monday. I can't wait to tell the school! Honestly I hope she kills herself

oh lezzy u lil devil

I want to fuck u so bad. I'm so horny

haha I love you babe

love you 2

I'm glad we are together I still hope u haven't told no one I'm a lesbian

No Anyways wyd

Um nothing

(Madison is really at Adam's house "her ex-boyfriend" they just had sex and she's in the bathroom "washing her face")

oh I'm about to take a nap ttyl

OK bye❤

(She comes out the bathroom and gets back into the bed with him and start cuddling)
LATER that Day

I saw Reagan with Daniel at Starbucks just now...

oh OK

I Think over heard them talking about her being pregnant.

I already knew.. I didn't know it was true tho ... OMG

she's such a major slut and has MAJOR ISSUES!

yea lol umm I'm going to ttyl..OK?

OK sure babes ttyl

(Madison was already 3 weeks pregnant but no one knew. She'll most likely get an abortion.)

The Lives of Crazed TeensDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora