The infiltration was a success. Now the next part was to find the agent in all of thid chaos.
"All units in the neerby area, the agent has been found, repeat th..." the soldier that was speaking was killed and the connection ended.
"Alan what was his last posution"?
Alan looked at his wrist-computer" it is 100 meters northeast".
"Good, let's go find him".
They ran off towards the onward running crowd.
Pushing throug an explosion erupted in front of them, launching people and body parts into the air.
"What was that", Berk asked,"that wasn't ours"."No idea. Let's keep pushing."
The crowd got thinner. Making an opening in front of them, revealing a man with a granade launcher firing at a robot. The robot was hit in the leg, whitch caused it to fall. The guy ran and jumped on, primed a granade and showed it in a crack of its armour.
He quickly jumped off and took cower behind a wrecked car.
The robot exploded and shrapnel flew in all directions.
Berk and Alan approached the man.Alan said,"you must be the guy needing evac".
"Yea, thanks for coming, now where is the exit". He sat on the cracked pavement pulling out a cigar.
"Alan you call an evac, tell them to give us 10 minutes".
"Already on it" he proceed to talk on the radio.
Berk turned to the agent" look, in ten minutes our guys are going to drop a nuke, I see that you are combat ready so as you were, let's get out".
He raised his head and gave a tums up.
Alan turned around" we have five minutes to find a flat roof building and mark it for the pickup."I know one it is not far" the agent got up and down ran across the street.
We followed. After a few minutes of running we stoped at a hotel.
The lobby was empty and no one was there. Strange...
It was a five story building so there was no big problem climbing up. Once we reached the top Alan marked our position and on his computer a timer appeared. It was the time evac arrives, it counted 4 minutes. Enough time for us to take defending positions. The wait seemed like it would never end, only because we were on our toes.
The sight seeing someone friendly was the best feeling one could feel. But the devil never sleeps.
As the transport approached it a robot climbed the hotel and attacked us. We scattered around firing at him with our granade launchers. The robot charged to me, grabed me by my torso. Fear filled my body. He prepared to crush my head. My eyes closed I waited for the end.
But for a moment nothing happened.
I opened my eyes and saw the agent on the robots back and then jumping off.
The robot fell and I with it.
Alan lifted me up "are you okay"?"Yeah I'm good thanks". Berk sat down grabing his head.
"How much more"? The agent asked calmly.
"One minute. I can't wait to leave this shit hole". Alan was angry.
"Don't worry we are almost out, just one minute." Berk put an arm around his shoulder.
"Incoming"! The agent pushed us to the side, the granade exploded beneath his feet.
"Shit", Alan got up quickly. He got close to the agent so he can stop the bleeding," where is that fucking transport, he is dying".
Berk took out his emergency flare, and threw it close to them, marking it for quick medical emergency.
Out of nowhere a Bolt transpor helicopter appeared landing werry fast and close. In a second two soldiers with a stretcher picked the agent up and started loading him in the bolt.
Alan and I entered last.
The doors closed and lifted up.A red light started glowing.
The pilot yelled but before he could say anything the door where we entered exploded sending me and Alan flying.
I woke up quickly.
The helicopter was still in air but the middle part of it was in flames."If anybody is alive back there grab the machine gun and return fire," the pilot said desperately.
"Roger" Berk replied and got up to the gun, reloaded and started to look for a target.
A bunch of people on roofs were firing at helicopters that were flying ower the city.
Berk started to fire, hiting only if he was lucky.
Bulets started to fly above his head, but he didn't stop. The adrenalin kicked in.
"Building with a big group, fire"!
The pilot turned allowing him to fire, mowing them down. Ripping their body parts, cutting them in half. The rage and blood thirst made Berk more and more stronger and faster.
The ones that survived started to run.
Adrenalin pumping and still in rage, Berk fealt anger and a metal taste in his mouth.
He sat down and looked through a window.
His radio was still working and it was annoying, so he riped out the ear piece.
Alan was unconscious still and one of the doctors was working on the agent.
The pressure and anger turned into a sceptical thinking.
What was I doing?
Am I a monster?
I should have fealt pity,but I was driven by blood thirst. Why? Just why?
His questions were interrupted by a bright flash of yellow and red light.
All that he could see was a gigantic fireball cutting the sky, making a big hole.
The city was eaten and burned in a mater of a second.
1 milion and more lives were turned to ashes in a second, burned alive or for the ones that survived the radiation will kill them slowly and very painfully.Afther that mission Alan and Berk were repositioned to the front lines for the courage they showed. Bullshit.
But the feeling and pain one persone can do upon another is what has keept him awake some nights and nightmares that shook him to the core.
For some time he had no worries, and those times are only when he is doing something wrong, or drunk.
Science-Fiction"You see blury things, you can feel pain, you can't move, you are alone and it is humid. Footsteps are ehoing, they are coming closer. Your heart is pounding. Someone or something is standing above you. Your wision returns and you see..." the prophe...