Chapter 1

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One morning in the Phantomhive Manor, the young earl was reading a letter, a new assignment, signed by Her Majesty herself Queen Victoria.

-"It's no wonder Her Majesty assigned the Phantomhive Manor and a group of special investigators to help solve the case. Isn't that right, Sebastian?" the head of the Phantomhive Manor and the owner to his families toy company Ciel Phantomhive asked his bulter.

"Of course Master, the Phantomhive Manor is in loyal service to Her Majesty." the demon butler said.

"Good. Now ready an carriage, we're going to visit an old friend.


They entered. Seeing coffins every where, and smelling blood, wood, and death.

The young earl stepped forward and spoke, "Undertaker, come out! I need to speak wirh you," the coffin on the top of the center table, the doors rose open revealing long greyish-sliver haired man with long bangs that covered his eyes. But seeing a stitched scar on his right side of his face. Wearing a black hooded-robe. Skin as white as a dead corpse.

"Why isn't it the young Phantomhive. Did you come by for some tea and my homemade cookies?" he asked. He gets out of the coffin and leans agianst tge table.

"No. I need to see a body with stars on it,"

"How do you know if I even have a body like that?" he questions with a evil grin on his face.

"Before I came here, I read a letter from a special group of investigators that was assigned to help solve this case. It stated that they brought a body that to this workshop. Female, 20 years of age, red stars on her body, and her right arm is missing. So now let me see the body," Ciel demanded.

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