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Yibo knew that he was in love with Sungjoo, but that didn't mean he wouldn't deny it. He'd been telling himself that the little crush he developed over the years didn't mean anything, he was just over analyzing his actions.

He told himself that he was just being a good friend as he did several things for the elder. Good friends let each other get away with childish actions while accepting anything they asked for. Friends do each other's homework and occasionally wait 3 extra hours after school when the other got detention, it's not like Yibo minded, though.

Plus, it wasn't like Yibo had the guts to go up to Sungjoo and ask him out anyway. He would either freeze up or ask about a completely unrelated topic. On top of the fact he couldn't ask, he knew for a fact that Sungjoo's brain had never even thought of asking him. One of the many reasons Yibo denied his own feelings was because he didn't want to fall in love with an oblivious idiot. Especially if that oblivious idiot has the name of Kim Sungjoo.

Yibo tried to remember the last time Sungjoo got an idea before he did, or if Sungjoo noticed anything different without Yibo pointing it out for him. It just wasn't a good idea to fall in love with someone like that. The last time Yibo remembered Sungjoo caught onto something without his help was when he first changed his hair color. He had spent a few months quieter than usual while touching his hair. Sungjoo spoke to him about it one day, reassuring the younger that if he didn't like it, he was free to change it. He also remembered Sungjoo complimented him on it repeatedly after as he was considering. As he spoke, he would add small comments like, "I love your hair" and "Your hair suits you" or "It looks amazing."

Still, Sungjoo started doing that months after Yibo had got his hair dyed, so there wasn't even a chance Sungjoo would notice Yibo's little crush if Yibo never brought it up, or acted any differently.

'Just don't act differently, that can't be so hard.' Yibo told himself as he looked up at the sky. He was standing in the same area he grew accustomed to waiting for Sungjoo at, but he hasn't stayed more than an hour after the last bell for a long time. Sungjoo had kept him waiting, the last time was a month ago when he got detention. Bringing his eyes back down, his attention was drawn to a small mark on his shoes, he would have to clean it later.

Sighing, he checked his phone then looked around, 'It's 3:10 and Sungjoo still isn't here. Does he have detention again? He did his homework, I was there when he finished, and I even checked to make sure he did it all...' Yibo's thoughts drifted and he checked the time again, 2 minutes passed. He checked the area around him one more time just to make sure he wasn't the one messing up, before unlocking his phone and scrolling down to Sungjoo's number. Right when he was about to press the call button, he heard his name being called.

Looking up for the 10th time since he had been there, he finally saw him. He gave Sungjoo a look as the other ran towards him, bag flopping behind his back. Yibo let Sungjoo take his time regaining his breath and energy, but that didn't mean he was going to let the elder go without an explanation. When he saw Sungjoo calming himself, he turned slowly and began his way home, knowing Sungjoo would follow him like an obedient dog.

He was right, Sungjoo made a small noise when he saw Yibo already walking, but he followed and clamped his hand down on the younger's shoulder when he was close enough.

Yibo grunted, letting Sungjoo know that his explanation better be good. He saw Sungjoo rub the back of his neck and he heard the nervous laugh he loved.

'I mean, I don't love it' Yibo thought, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"So..." Sungjoo finally started, "I was just sitting in my last period, thinking about how I wanted to get home as fast as I could-"

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