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I woke up later than usual today but still managed to be ready on time for school.

As I arrived at the canteen I started completing my homework that was supposed to be done the previous night.

A whole bunch of guys were sat in the opposite corner to I, none of which were even remotely attractive but they seemed to think they were.

Gabriella and Gemma had arrived minutes later and we were back to discussing school, boys, production and life in general!

The bell went and yet again Gemma and I started walking to form class where our teacher Mrs Collingwood was waiting. She smiled as usual. Mrs Collingwood was a lovely teacher who liked Gemma and I.

I stole Gemma's iPad mini off of her and clicked onto her wattpad app. I pulled up the draft she had started to write for the next chapter of her very interesting book "Take Me Away" and I wrote a very funny paragraph for her. She laughed and saved it as the bell went.

I headed to my first subject PE where we had a reliever named Mr Judd, he was quite strict! We played volleyball, which by the way I suck at, and my team most definatly lost!

Next lesson was dance which I love because my teacher is my favourite teacher, Mrs Campbell, and I love dance. I just hate the students in my class because they are pathetic and have the brains of a 2 year old, put together!

After Break, English, Social Studies and Maths the day was finally over. Mum drove me home and I got dressed into my leggings and black and white polka dot dress. I watched an episode of Bones then got ready for production practice.

I put my Ugg Boots on and left at 5:30 so I would arrive at school at 6. I left without Tea because dad wasn't home to cook it but I didn't care!

I walked along the dark streets with the sounds of loud cars bursting my ears. It was a peaceful night, the moon looked like a toe nail and the stars were as bright as ever.

I reached Purnell Street and walked through the gates to my prison that people like to call school.

I walked into the hall and met Gemma she was rambling on about my outfit, she called it "pattern clashing" I laughed it off. She's a major fashion freak, which is a good thing!

We walked outside to wait for Gabriella but then I remembered I was supposed to be doing my science homework!

I sat on the hard, uncomfortable seat and started my homework. I gave up after 5 minutes.

The teachers started talking about performance times then we started singing. Then we started dancing and singing. Then we started acting, singing and dancing!

I kept looking at my crush and I swear he kept looking at me! You see he's a year 11 and a really good actor!

He and I were really really close last year during the last production and hung out quite often and I had really come to like him. It's been a year and 2 months since I first had a crush on him but I doubt he likes me at all. Oh by the way did I tell you that he's super hot? Well I'm telling you again because he is!

Well while I was in the wings waiting for my scene my crush came up to me and started slow dancing with me to the tune on the stage. I was so starstruck that I probably looked like a fool but I really like him and I just wished he liked me. By the way he slow dances with everyone!

So once production practice was over I returned home and made tea. Just pasta with melted cheese on top!

I sat in my bed all night watching Bones!

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