3.They're all the same ..

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Wassuuuuuuuuup?! .....
Ok shit is happening in this chapter ...btw...I am now an official otaku and not a weaboo I like japanese culture and Im interested to learn the language ..I don't like japan only because off anime and manga ..I think japan is an  interesting  country with beautiful history and very nice traditional music  BUT!! i realised that japan is not the best country in the world ..after watching a video of the japanese youtuber The anime man  ...he was explaining what weaboos are and I realised I am one ...so I decided to change!Anwwww ...sorry for not updating for sooo long ...

(Y/n) '  s p.o.v
Im tired...you thought to yourself while looking at the broken empty whiskey bottles on the ground...you felt empty...alone...depression  took over your mind letting cold salty tears run like waterfalls...the whole room was a total chaos...a complete disaster...a mess....crumbled papers all over your wooden brown desk ..on the floor ...pieces of glass could be seen as well as drops of blood which covered your pale hands ...you  couldn't  feel anything any more...the one and only feeling that took over your mind  and body was pain...just pure pain...you were  sobbing loudly ..not caring if anyone could hear your painful song of misery and chaos ...
You were walking to your office to work on the paperwork Erwin assigned you to do...it was a cold afternoon...you were coming from the cafeteria ..having a pot of  steaming hot tea  in your hands  you reached the door of your office when a certain titanlover  was standing in front of it ...looking somehow sad...from that imagr you could clearly understand that something  wasn't right..
What are you doing here Hanji?you asked  wearing yout  stoic expression..
Are you going to tell me what happened or what?...
What about Shiro kun?
He....didn't make it back...
Stop joking Hanji..
I wish it was a joke...i really do..Hanji said in a painful tone...her eyes  watering with salty liquid...
No....nononono NOOOOO  ....IT'S FUCKING LIE YOU'RE LIEING TO ME EEEEyou said as you held Hanji from her colar ...ready to punch her...suddenly you felt two strong arms holding you back..it  was noone else than your brother...(Y/n)....stop....she's telling the truth... he said ...you couldn't feel your legs or your body anymore...all you could feel was pain...You promised me....you said while painful sobbs came out of you ...YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD STAY WITH MEEE!you  shouted ...(Y/N)...calm down.... it's all gonna be alright...Im here..I won't leave you..your brother said comforting you...Hanji was not suprised as she saw the humanity's strongest kind side ...Levi only acted like that   to you..you were the most important person to him  ....as another hour passed levi had brought you to bed  your expression...completly blank as if your emotions were taken away from you ....
End of the flashback
You sighed as you took another sip from the bitter alchohol  in the bottle  you despredly held in you shaking hands....the memories from last month's news still haunted your mind... then a knock could be heard from the dark coulored wooden door   ...you didn't pay attention even though the sound continued ...you were too tired  of everything  you just stared blankly at the seiling ..the door opened ...
Eren's p.o.v
As I opened the door and what I saw couldn't be described with words....The captain we all knew and admired was sitting on her desk staring up  the ceiling with a bottle of alchohol in her hands and black  circles on her eyes .."C..captain..?"...her eyes turned to my side ...red...from what seems to be crying .."What the heck do you want....you like seing me like this don't you...you like seing me suffering like this ...go on make fun of me....go tell everyone you saw me like this ...YOU FRIKING-"  I wrapped my arms around captain (y/n) tightly preventing her from saying anything else..."Im terribly sorry  for whatever has happened to you captain...I was just walking out of your office and I wanted to check your condition ...I know the feeling of loosing someone ...b..but that doesn't mean that I can understand the contition you are into right now ...I was not planning to scold or make fun of my supperior "I said calmly to her who just gave into my hug ...but didn't  have the streght to hug back  ....

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