Chapter 1 - Angelina Bianca Rutherford

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Chapter 1 - Angelina Bianca Rutherford


"That's the thing about pain. It Demands to be felt." - Augustus Waters from: The Fault in our Stars


Date: June 1st 2014

There is a library in St.Mary's Hospital, quite small in fact. Though it isn't really much of a library to be honest. It is this large shelf that was placed beside one long wall, in the room whenever patients wanted to have some 'fresh air' from their rooms. It's pretty much of lie as much as that I love spending it here. I rarely stepped foot out of the winding maze of what is today's medical areas.

Cancer was the only word you can describe me...excluding the phrase 'dying girl' whenever someone rudely points out the obvious. I was one of the fourteen patients in which resided here. I have my own room. All of these monitors that stare at you intensely to sleep. All the medical lot and some personal nurses and doctors that usually check up on me nowadays.

I guess the most upsetting thing was that I didn't had much of the support. My family is usually so busy that it seemed to me that they forget me and that their own child is awaiting death.

My mother always said to me, 'to always think positive, and you'll get the hopes and wishes you need'. And believe me...I have been wishing and pushing myself for the amount of time I've had. Father was busy as always; he sends as much books and things to keep me occupied. That was the only great thing my dad could do.

"How many times have you read that?" Hannah - my older sister - would say when she visits me. Even if the age difference was just by a couple of years, I can say she never changed and always kept the youth in her looks.

She's very much true to how many times I read; nothing can put me off with a good Harry Potter book, or maybe Pride and Prejudice. I read the Prisoner of Azkaban many of times, in which I'm reading at the moment. However, I paused when the door opened during the part when Harry had just found out about Sirius Black being Harry's godfather. There's this tint of annoyance sometimes when I am disrupted when reading. I have no clue really.

Nurse Clementine spoke from the doorway, "Hello Angelina, Doctor Harris wants you." I sat up right. "Come on, I'll help you get there." Faintly smiling, I pushed the blankets off me, finding the cold chilly air through my legs. The lady helped me up stand - even if I didn't needed it - as I tossed the book aside onto the bed for me to carry on later.

That was another thing living here in a hospital: they think that they're in some doll house. They're the little girls and we - the patients - are the dolls who don't move and have no social life. How can people live in a world much like this? Why do I feel like there isn't really a meaning in life at all?

"I can walk,"I told the nurse, trying to force myself and prove that I was not weak at all. Half of that is true, I could not blame that. I had cancer after all, and my blood didn't really circulate like a healthy one.

Nurse Clementine aided me down the corridor and towards the elevator. There were nurses and doctors everywhere. Extra drips were aligned on some part as an old lady walked passed me; she was smiling some girl with pigtails who sat in one of the chairs outside against the corridor. I saw a patient on the wheeled beds along with some dozens of nurses. To be honest I did not realise how observant I was nowadays, I found the world around me curious. And so much more exciting than mine.

Doctor Harris' office was downstairs by the check up rooms by the desk for the wards. When we got there, Nurse Clementine left me with the man. He was quite a short for a man really; black mousy hair in sleek gel, angular face and thick eyebrows. Thin and short, he reminds me of a pencil, a very short pencil that's been sharpened to many times. I sat down opposite the desk and saw those dark rings under his eyes. I found it guilty that I'm somehow making his job a lot more stress.

"Thank you for coming," He said with a tired smile. "I wanted to discuss some matters of your stay here in St.Mary's Hospital and some other things, if that is all right?"

I nodded, "Yes of course, I mean - I have plenty of time; free time to be honest." He was studying the papers on his desk as he nodded once more.

"Good,good." Doctor Harris muttered, writing through some sorts of paperwork. "But I must have been one of the most successful patients who have had your type of cancer. Five years..."

"Yes..." I pursed my lips tightly.

He spoke, "I have the results of your latest tests on how it is, your heart rate is stable as we know now. Um-there have been some recent increase on some cells in your body. does shorten the expanded life we had predicted for you." My breath hitched, feeling my heart rate quicken. Those words were much of how much pain I'm going through physically.

"So..." I held my breath as I heard him sigh so deeply in despair.

He said, "Based on the accuracy of our researchers, there is a 85% chance that you might not make it before the first of September." It felt as if everything stopped, and yet my only reaction was that I gulped in the fear.

Three months, and that is then the only time I will have left before everything I lived up to was much of a waste. All those books I've read... The people I met... The sentimental things that go on in one's life... It was clear that the time I got left might not make up the five years that I was stuck in hospital for.

"Does my family know this?" I asked the man, who tried to feel as much sympathy as possible.

He then replied, "They called soon after the tests were released, and we offered that maybe you can receive your wish that most cancer patients are offered a year or six month prior before prediction of death." He continued. "Miss Hannah Rutherford, has already informed me your plan."

"My sister?"I asked... I haven't seen her in person from God knows when.

Doctor Harris continued to explain how Hannah was alright to have me for the rest of the summer with her. Honestly, I was ecstatic due to the fact that I missed her terribly and I never got to meet her since she lives across the country. I was to be at her work town by a couple of days; the hospital will hand in the medicine and treatments before I arrive there.

I couldn't wish for anything better to be honest, I will finally something that I wanted. And that was freedom. Being a cancer patient dragged me back from independence. At the verge of dying highly likely, I will at least try and do as much than wasting it like the past five years.

It'll all be well I suppose.


A/N: New book hoorah!!! I'm not really happy as much of this chapter but it's just filler of what had happened in her life. :) Hoped you enjoyed and want more to come :3



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