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Troye Pov
"Connor no fair" i whined. He had beaten me three times in a row at mario kart.
"Dont be a sore loser" he winked
"I want a re-match!" i stated
"Youve said that the last two times, im done playing" he laughed
"Want a soda?" he asked getting up
I scrolled threw Tumblr as i waited for Connor to return.
"Here" He smiled, handing me the soda.
"Thanks dear" i winked.
Suddenly he cried out in pain and collapsed on the sofa.
"Connor!!" i yelled
His hands were on his stomach and he was crying out in pain.
"Ttroyye it hurrts" he whined
"Hey baby itll be okay, ill get you water hold on" i ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I started to run out again but saw Connor come walking in.
"Its gone" he stated
"Its not sore anymore"
"We..con thats the second time thats happened. Do you want to go to a doctor?" I asked, worried.
"No im fine Troye. Dont worry" He stroked my cheeks and held my hand dragging me into the living room.
"Sure your okay again?" i asked, cuddling into him
"Yes honestly, im better. Only a short pain, nothing series"
I nodded, hoping that was the truth.
Connor and i were currently laying on the sofa, cuddling into eachother, watching Bridesmaids when the doorbell rang.
"ill get it" i moaned, enjoying having a peaceful night. We had decided to skip the dinner, after Connors stomach drama, i decided it would be best even though connor fought to go.
I opened the door and Tyler was standing there, his jacket were all ripped, he had blood dripping from his mouth and his eye was black.
"Tyler what the hell!"
I pushed him into the house and shut the door.
"Who is it?" Connor called
"Tyler what the hell happened?!" i yelled
"I fell" he had tears in his eyes and he was looking like a little boy who was getting told off by his teacher, looking straight at the ground.
"You fell?Where?!"
"Ty is tha-" Connors eyes went wide open at the sight of Tyler.
"Tyler!!" he yelled, rushing over to him.
"Only a few cuts im fine"
"A few cuts?" i shrieked
Connor gave me 'that look' before bringing Tyler into the bathroom.
I took his jacket off and found cuts all over his arms that were bleeding.
"God tilly" I muttered
I put plasters on them, as Connor cleaned his mouth cut and his black eye. I got him some pjs before we ushered him into the living room. He had stayed silent through all of this.
"Ty, what happened" i asked calmly
He didnt answer for a minute,
"I was walking home from a bar and i was drunk, i am drunk" he corrected.
I rolled my eyes as connor told him to keep going.
"Well i must have tripped and...i dont remember" he cried, tears falling down.
"Hey, lets get you to bed. You need some rest" Connor took his hand and leaded him to the guest bedroom.
He set him down on the bed, wrapping the duvet round him.
"Thanks guys" Tyler whispered before shutting his eyes.
I walked out the door, closing it behind connor and i and looked at connor.
"What the fuck" i whispered
"I know, he clearly was a drunk mess, dickhead" he muttered.
Hey, lets get to bed too babe" i smiled, as we walked into our own bedrooms.
shorter chapter than usual but hope yous liked x

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