cute nights

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Troye Pov
"Damn you motherfuckasssss!!" i yelled at my third consecutive win at mario kart.
"Who wants lunch?" Zoe asked, standing up.
"Everyone duh" alfie rolled his eyes, jokingly.
"I meant what do yous want smart ass" she laughed. punching his shoulder playfully.
"Con you pick" she smiled
" you have soup?" he asked
"Course!Does everyone like pumpkin soup?' she smiled.
"Mmm love it" i said, turning off the game.
I looked at connor beside me. He was wrapped in a blanket, resting his head on the arm off the sofa, with a pillow behind his back to keep him upwards. Alfie was currently petting his head, like a dog. I started laughing, i had to take a video of it.
"Its not that bad actually" connor laughed
"soups out!" zoe yelled from the kitchen
Alfie jumped up and shouted he needed to piss first, causing eyes being rolled my Zoe.
I stood up and grabbed Connors hand, helping him up.
"How are you feeling" i kissed his cheek.
"Im okay. I think i need to take my tablets now" he said to me.
"Oh shit yeah, sit, ill get them" i helped him down before running to the cupbored.
I gave Connor his tablets as alfie returned and we all sat to eat our pumpkin soup.
"Do yous want to go out tonight?" Connor smiled
We all stared at eachother.
"Um con..." alfie started
"No i know what yous are going to say but the doctor says walking will help. I dont mean drinking, i just mean a short walk. Pleaseeeeee" he begged
"I guess it should be alright. Wanna go to the beach, its about a ten minute walk?" Zoe suggested.
"Great" i agreed.

We got our hats and scarves on (it was very cold trust me.) and started for the beach. I held Connor very close to me incase we got an unwanted surprise on the way although i had brought his medical things the doctor told us to bring everywhere, with us.
"So yous are going tomorrow?" Alfie asked us, wrapping his arm around Zoes waist.
"Yeah, we wanted to stay longer but..." connor started.
"We completely understand, honestly" Alfie answered.

When we got to the beach, it was dark.
"Anyone know how to make a campfire?" i laughed.
"I do!" zoe yelled
"Wait, really" i laughed
"I went to scouts" she confirmed.
It turned out she really did know how to make a fire.
We sat on the sand and talked about our trip, and time here.
"Listen guys, i just wanna say thanks for everything. I know ive been a right handful to past fews, well weeks Troye, with these pains. This was meant to be the best trip. Yous are amazing i love yous" Connor smiled to us.
"Awwww connn, we love you" alfie yelled, as we all collapsed on him, careful not to fall on his stomach. For a moment we went quiet, just listening to the ocean waves or the sound of the crickets.
"We should have brough marshmallows" Zoe laughed, breaking the silence
"True, but this is perfect" Connor smiled.
I squeezed his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder. He was forever mine. No matter what this cancer did to him, he is forever my first love.
This was kinda short but cute so

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