Chapter 13 - A Slip in Security

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The light that had once been the entrance that he had came from wasn't there when he woke up, the only source of light was now gone. Nico put his hand to his head, his eyes trying to get used to the darkness around him. He pushed himself up as best as he could, his leg protesting as he got up and leaned up against the closest wall. He needed to find a way out, he didn't know why as he sort of wanted to stay in the darkness. Nico used his hands to hold himself up, following the walls, he soon found himself going deeper. He really wished that he had Hazel with him, she would have been able to figure out how to get out. As it went deeper, he felt that he was only getting more lost, his eyes started to get used to it. It didn't help that much though, he only could tell where the walls were and that was the least he could make out.

He had no clue how long he had been walking, or anything, but it was almost mind-numbing to be in darkness for so long. Nico just found himself only wanting one thing, to really just see the light or at the very most Percy. He kept going, sure he knew that Percy might get into the Kingdom while he wouldn't, but seeing him before he stayed in the Kingdom of the Sky was better than nothing.Nico soon saw some light, torches were burning, and then everything came together. He was now in his father's cave system, where the dungeon had been made as well as where they mined the materials that they gave to other kingdoms. Nico made his way through it, trying to be as quiet as possible. He was glad for the light, he heard some talking nearby. 

"The Kingdom of the Seas is pretty much destroyed now, the only thing left is that prince of theirs. I am sure that King Hades will make sure to give Prince Nico the biggest punishment, I highly doubt it would be death though..." "I honestly can't believe he had betrayed his own kingdom for that ratty other prince."

It seemed that it was only two people that were talking, so he was relieved, but they were really nearby and it wasn't good that they knew he was a traitor. He used the wall as his support, they were on the other side of the rock wall. There was a fork, the only problem is that the way he needed to go was near where the two men were. He ran as best as he could, and hid in the open prison room. The staggering and the sound of the stone under his feet obviously had alerted the guards as they almost instantly responded. "Who is that!? Come out right this moment! No one is supposed to be in here!" One called out, while the other one was like an echo. "You can't hide so come out!"

Nico knew this was going to be the riskiest thing he had ever done in his life. He thought going against his kingdom and saving Percy had been bad, but his heart was beating even more faster than before. The door opened, Nico felt his heart miss a beat, he held his breath and went further down the wall. Luckily, the guard didn't look very hard in the room. Then the door closed, and he heard the worst noise, the sound of the door locking from the outside. 

"Percy, I'm sorry." He said, extremely quietly. There was no possible way in his mind that he could get out of the prison cell, he was going to be stuck here till the guards realized he was in here. Then he would probably get stuck in the cell even longer, maybe his whole life. He cringed, never to see the outside light again, or Percy. He was tempted to get angry at his luck, but he was still hiding, so he had to keep some hope. Whatever hope that was.

He sat there for what felt like a hour, and there was the noise of the door unlocking. He looked up to see Hazel, why was she down in the caves? She sat down in the middle of the floor, she let out a sigh. " Where the heck are you Nico? Everyone thinks you're a traitor, and father doesn't know what to do about the rumours anymore." She then turned and saw Nico in the corner, she got up fast that Nico could hardly react before he was pulled into a hug.

"How are you here? Where is that prince?" Hazel asked quietly, knowing that it wouldn't be a good idea to talk loud. Nico was so glad when Hazel didn't speak loud like he thought she would have."Me and Percy got separated, I need to get to the Kingdom of the Sky. Will you come with me? Please? Or at the very least, help me out of the kingdom?" Nico hated asking for the help, he knew there was no way he was going to do it without Hazel's help. So he sucked it up, and hoped she had an idea and maybe would agree.

"Nico, I have no clue what you see in him, but fine. If you want to get yourself killed trying to keep care of this stupid prince then I'm with you. Just wait here." Nico nodded, Hazel got up and left the room, moments later, she came back with some rope. "We got some roles to play, this is how it's going to work." She explained how Nico was going to have to act like he had been captured and Hazel is bringing Nico to Hades. As they do that, they then decided to grab Arion and when they both got saddled on it, they would ride towards the mountain range.

Hazel tied the rope around Nico's hands, till they were binded really well. She tested it by pulling him up to his feet which Nico cringed at since he ended up being forced onto his sprained leg. "Mind being careful with that?" He grumbled. "Sorry." Hazel whispered, before leading the way out of the cave. The guards who had heard him and had been talking about him soon spotted them. "I found Prince Nico in the room that was only meant for me to have. I swear I might as well get Hades to have both of your heads because of this slip in security!"

"We are deeply sorry Princess Hazel, do forgive our mistake! Do you wish us to take him from you?" They both said in unison, both obviously terrified of what Hazel had said, Nico tried not to smile at the sight.Hazel only smiled at their response. "Good, next time it will be your heads. I will take him to Hades myself, as I can obviously not trust you two." She kept her serious tone, before pulling Nico with her towards the exit. He staggered and hardly was able to keep his balance, luckily when he was about to fall, Hazel held him up by his hands. Which wasn't the most helpful.

They made their way pretty far into the Kingdom without much questions, once they had exited the caves they were at a ledge that overlooked the huge city, there was then a huge staircase that seemed like it had no supports. It was the one place that Nico had never really liked about it, but it wasn't too bad after getting used to it. They made their way down the stairs that ended when they reached just outside the palace. Nico had almost entirely forgotten what his Kingdom had looked like, it had been several weeks since he had saw it last and honestly it was great to be back. Even though he knew that he would have to leave right after he had gotten there. The guards at the palace didn't stop them, watching them both as they headed into the city. Citizens were going on with their normal schedules, several guards patrolled the very cube based city.

Most the houses were very compact, they had many people living in each cube as if trying to make sure to fit everyone they could in the space they had. The population sure didn't help, as it grew exponentially in the Kingdom. When they got to the stables, Nico thought it would have been the same, but they were stopped by the guards there. "Why is Arion needed, Princess Hazel? Hades is to return shortly, so there is no need to go meet him there." They informed her, Nico watched Hazel thinking. She quickly unsheathed her sword and cut Nico's ties so he could grab Percy's sword, which had been with him for all too long. He grabbed out his, and all of sudden things went all too fast.They ended up killing the two guards, grabbing Arion, and then getting through the gate that they were trying to close. He wrapped his arms around Hazel, then he heard something that he knew all too well. Cannons, loud and clear, smashing into the ground as they ran towards the trail that led to road to the Kingdom of the Sky. Hazel had joined him in being a traitor... Just because he asked.  

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