The enemy

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She stood there, waiting for some thing to move, but nothing did. Only the wind could be heard, whistling through the trees. "Mummy, daddy, wake up, there's a guy sleeping on the floor!" The girl shock them to wake them up, "what's this sticky stuff? Ew! Mummy wake up! Daddy, please wake up and get this person out!" Suddenly the man got up, he was covered in the sticky stuff and raised a sharp silver and red object above his head. The girl screamed and woke up her brother, who ran in and attempted to shoot him, before being stabbed by the shiny thing in the mans hand,  which was now covered in the sticky stuff. The girl picked her brothers gun up while the man was devouring her brother, and shoot him straight in the head. She was aiming for the chest but her aim was off. The man stopped what he was doing and rolled onto the floor and the sticky stuff started to poor out, at the sight the girl ran into her bed and called the police and ambulance. Then another man came in while she was on the call and stabbed her11 times with the other mans silver and red shiny thing.

"Brambles?" Mushroom slapped her so she woke up, she sat up and opened her eyes, she just stared at the wall. Mushroom, not knowing how graphic her dream was, asked her why she was so reckless that night. "Um, Brambles, are you going to answer me?" Brambles just kept on staring and didn't blink. About 15 minuets later she was still sat there when suddenly April stormed in and whacked her on the head with a base ball bat, knocking her out. "Well, that's one way to make an entrance..." Said a confused Mushroom. "I couldn't stand that awful face any longer!" April stuck her nose up in the air, before Mushroom flicked it upwards, making her lose her balance and fall over. "Well, now I know the stuck up members of this group..." Said an angry Mushroom. Confused yet? (That's rhetorical, just incase you where about to answer out loud and talk to your self, because, sorry, I can't hear you, so there isn't any point, I'm going to make this more confusing later anyway, so if you don't understand, read that last bit again until you do! And that was sarcastic, but you can't tell because you can't hear me...-The direct words of me when I'm incredibly tiered)

"Hey, Brambles, are you ok after being hit round the head with a base ball bat?" Asked Wishes, "hu? Or right, yeah, just a little bit confused..." "About what?" "What the heck is April's problem?!" "Really, and not the fact you woke up-" "what was that?" "N-never mind..." "Sorry, I was else where, I want to hear what you have to say." "I was saying about how strange you where acting when you woke up this morning." "This morning? All I remember is being hit round the head with a bat by April." "Oh, well you must have had a night mare or some thing because you where reckless in your sleep, and then Mushroom came in, and you just blacked every one for 15 minuets and then April-" "oh, I don't remember..." (Quick shout out to Andreeakitten who is ABSOLUTELY amazing!) Misami ran into the training room towards Mushroom, before tripping over and falling on top of Sam, who was messing with a light bulb at the time. The bulb smashed and cut them both, Misami let out a huge scream, Sam just stared at her, before removing the huge price of glass from her arm and healing her, "how did that hurt?" "What?! There was a huge piece of glass in my arm! How could it not?!" "It was tiny..." Sam made a face like this > -_- < "Um, there's an even bigger bit in your leg..." "Oh, I didn't realise, thanks Misami." Misami made a confused face, there was blood all over the floor, but it wasn't hers, it was all Sam's. Wishes ran over to see what had happened, shortly after she saw all the blood she fainted and every one else ran over. "Wishes, wake up, it's just a bit of blood, I've seen much worse." Mushroom prodded her to wake up continuously until she finally gave up and bandaged Sam and Misami up. "Brambles, go fetch me- actually, never mind, I'll get it, knowing you you'll probably blow us all up!" In 5 minuets she was back with swords, "wait, how would I blow us up with swords?" Asked Brambles, "I don't know, but some how you'd manage it. Anyway, these swords aren't just you're average swords, D.R.E.A.M.S designed them to help you get out of most situations, when you drop them the blade explodes though, so be careful-" "Wait, and your wondering how did blow some thing up with exploding swords?" "Brambles, don't interrupt! Anyway. The blade explodes when dropped so you'll have multiple blades, meaning if you trip over- you get it, it also has a grappling hook built in so you can swing to high places, You'll have agin with you as well on most missions normally, but not today because you can't use one for a start and its your first mission, so we can't supply them to you until we know your actually on our side. Did I forget anything? Um, oh yeah, be carful, these guys are slightly higher level than we normally give beginners, but I'm sure you'll handle it, any questions?" "W-what mission?" Asked Wishes, "yeah, what mission, I didn't hear any thing about this." Robert tried backing her up. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you, you know all that training we've been doing for like the past six months? Well, it was all for this, you'll understand when you get there, ok, your uniforms or in your rooms and when your changed I'll give you your weapon!" Every one walked off except Brambles, who stayed behind to try and talk to Mushroom, "Brambles? What are you still doing here?" "D-does this involve killing?" "Technically, but it's fine, they're already dead, so don't, worry, now if you don't want to get in trouble, I suggest you get ready." "But-" "seriously, I'd go get ready or else you'll be in huge trouble." Brambles walked to her room, wondering what she was really up against and whether she could take it or not.

Once they where all ready to go they got into the helicopter and flew to an abandoned city which, to give Brambles night mares, was the next city along. Every one except Brambles ran straight out of the helicopter and got out their swords out ready. There where back up, more experienced members waiting, incase they failed. When Brambles saw how dark and derelict it was inside the city she instantly flopped back into her helicopter seat, "ok, can I go back now!" "Not an option." The helicopter pilot said sternly, "Can I not do this later, you know, when I'm better trained?" "No chance." The helicopter pilot turned round and gave her a strange look, "You don't have a choice! You just one of those kids who have stupid 'powers' when really your just a mistake!" Brambles stood up and stared at him for a while, then she murmured a few insults to the pilot before running straight into the town, forgetting how scared she was before, and ran straight past the rest of her team. Then she found out what she was fighting, and she didn't like it one bit. A small girl with long black hair covering her face, with pale white hands by her side stood in her path. Instinctively she drew her sword and slowly edged towards it. "You've got to be kidding me, I've got to fight ghosts? And how exactly does that work?! I can't hit them with anything!" Suddenly every thing went pitch black and Brambles could only see the girl. Brambles was getting brighter and brighter as she realised it was getting closer, and when it stopped she was so petrified she started laughing to make her self feel better, which didn't work so well and made it come closer, when it got to close she lost control and rapidly attacked it with the sword until it disappeared. By then she was so warn out and relieved it was gone that she dropped to the ground and fell asleep.

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