OLD VERSION - STILL TO BE EDITED! Chapter 17 - The Wicked Witch of the West

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                                               OLD VERSION - STILL TO BE EDITED!

                                                       ---------Chapter 17--------
                                                  ~The Wicked Witch of the West~



She then turned her gaze back to me, “And you must be Skylar.” She sneered, her lips turning up in to a smile, but one I wasn’t sure was very genuine. I gulped and for the second time that day I felt like I’d been thrown in the deep end.




I wish I was immune to awkward conversations and moments. Think of how easy your life would be if you could remove all of them moments, that in years to come, you’ll think back on and cringe.

I was certainly not immune to them because my life seemed to consist of a heck of a lot of them. It had been approximately 3 minutes and 45 seconds - what?  I like to be exact - since Chase and I had come in from ‘horse-riding’. Most of this time had consisted of glaring, mostly from Chase towards Maggie and Maggie towards Chase and me, and also Cameron when his square building block wouldn’t fit through the triangular hole in his game.

I really didn’t understand what this woman had against me. It seemed she had it out for me from the get go. I hadn’t even muttered a single word towards her and she still looked at me as if I was a stupid naive child who was the spawn of Satan or something.

I couldn’t bear to let this awkward moment go on any longer, there was too many gay babies being born from it. [A/N: I have nothing against gay people, it’s just a saying me and my friends say when there is an awkward silence, no offence intendedJ]

“So, I’m guessing you’re Aunt Maggie, nice to meet you.” I offered politely and stuck out my hand. She looked down at my out stretched hand and sneered. I slowly recoiled by hand back in and suddenly felt like a fool.

I didn’t know what else to say; afraid I would step out of line or blurt out a sarcastic remark or worse, my quite unfortunate nervous habit of blurting random words, which I’m sure would not go down well in Aunt Maggie’s books. So I just clamped my mouth shut and twiddled my hands nervously.

I, like everyone else, was waiting apprehensively for either Maggie or Chase to back down. But from the smirk that was set on Maggie’s face and the look in her eyes, almost challenging Chase and the way his whole body was tensed up and he seemed to be holding himself back; I was quite positive that neither of them were going to back down anytime soon.

Rose must have been thinking the same thing because she jumped in at this moment, saving us from a possible show-down. “Sky honey, this is my sister, Magnolia.” She explained and placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder, almost has if she was trying to calm her down. Maggie or ‘Magnolia’ forced out a small smile.

I wonder if they had a sister called Petunia or Daffodil or, or, a brother called Thorn. Now that would be funny. It would be even better if their last name was Garden. Now that I come to think of it, if Maggie was her sister, why was her last name Matthews? Did she marry Michael’s brother or something?

My thoughts were cut off by Rose continuing, “And these are her children, my niece and nephew’s.” She gestured towards the other 3 kids seated around the room.

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