* Chapter 7 * Tension

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-- Minhyuk's P.O.V --

After unexpectedly running into Anna , I just found out we had performance together

(I'm so happy)

Before waltzing through the door , once again I've dropped my books ..

She quickly helps me pick them up and laughs at how clumsy I am ..

• Me : " I'm sorry  , we're super late because of me .. "

I frown and she quickly grins

• Iuliana : " It's no problem , I needed this ! .. "

She laughed and I began to lose myself in her cute expression ..

• Me : " She's still the same .. "

• Anna : " Huh ? .. "

(Oops ..)

She laughs harder and I help her back up on her feet ..

• Anna : " Still thinking out loud ? .. "

• Me : " Something like that .. "

I embarassingly look towards my feet as she opened the door to the classroom to let me in ..


We walked in and 3 people shouted her name at the same time ..

" Anna ! "

We didn't know where to look and she looked as lost as ever ..

Luhan , Mingyu and surprisingly Sungjae all called out to her trying to grab her attention ..


-- Anna's P.O.V --

I stood there not knowing what to do after realizing all three of my partners from my previous classes are in my performance class ..

Minhyuk took his seat in the front whilst the boys tried gesturing me over ..

• Teacher : " From the rowdiness of the class , I take you are our new student ? .. "

• Me : " Yes sir .. "

• Teacher : " Well , I'm off to a conference , Mr. Park Jimin over here will be taking over whilst I am away .. "

He turns his attention to the guy smoothly leaning against the wall and whispers ..

• Teacher : " Don't screw up Jay . You need to put them in pairs and assign them choreography , you know the rest .. "

• Jimin : " I'll do a better job than you don't worry .. "

The teacher walks out and I'm left with a dumbfounded expression ..

• Jimim : " Jerk .. "

I was unaware of the relationship between the two .

• Jimin : " Alright , as you know , I am singer and dancer of Bangtan boys .

I don't tolerate crap although majority of you are around my age .. I'm letting you guys choose your pairs .

The task is simple . One person sings whilst the other choreographs . The catch is I assign the song and you both have to dance ..

So , in order to get marked you need to develop teamwork and close collaboration with eachother . Since there are equal amounts of boys and girls , you guys can pick

.. You have 2 minutes to pick your partners before I choose them for you .. go .. "

Jimin moves back to the wall and watches everyone scrabble for partners ..

As I assumed , Luhan , Sungjae & Mingyu head towards my direction and all grab my arm at the same time ..

• Luhan : " She is my partner .. "

• Mingyu : " I don't think you heard me shotgun her when she walked in the class .. "

• Sungjae : " We were already partners since last class , don't screw my arrangements .. "

• Hak Yeon : " What's going on ?! .. "

• Me : " Hak ! .. "

I quickly hide behind Hak and he looks at all three guys trying to be my partner ..

• Hak : " How do you guys know her ? .. "

• All : " We're partners in the same class .. "

Hak looked at me and apologised ..

• Hak : " Katijana is already my partner , I would've already paired up with you .. "

A moment of silence until someone grabbed my hand and took me to their seat ..

• Hyukmin : " It's okay Hak , she's my partner .. "

He didn't look at the boys only towards Hak who was mildly impressed ..

• Hak : " Sounds good .. "

Hak yeon looked at the three boys before returning to his wretched girlfriend talking up a storm about me to the other groups near her ..

The boys look unhappy ..

• Jimin : " Luhan , Mingyu , Sungjae ..

Why are you three just standing around , there are 3 girls at the back , choose one and hurry along .. "


-- Jimin's P.O.V --

As I observe the class shifting around to pick their partners , I noticed the new girl fidgeting as the boys who called out earlier all rush up to her and grab her wrists ..

From the corner of my eye , Hyukmin and Hak Yeon have flames in their eyes as soon as the boys grabbed her ..

This class all of a sudden became interesting , as the boys were bickering amongst eachother to who was getting the girl , I thought of a brilliant way to stir up a few hearts ..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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