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"Ok so I'm walking to AP English, and this freshmen approaches me and says, ' Are you Katie Wood? From VlogQuest? I love you guys so much!' And I was like, ya, I am. And keep walking. The freshmen girl took this as an invitation to walk with me. I kinda looked at her with a get lost look on my face, but she just keep walking. So finally I turned to her and said, 'Not only am I pretty popular on VlogQuest, but I'm a senior and your a freshmen, not even related to me. Please get lost.' She looked hurt but she scattered. Freshmen need to learn the line that you don't cross." Katie says in a hurry. She says all of this while setting her tray down at our usual lunch table. Barely takes her ten seconds. If only I could talk as fast as her. I roll my eyes at her and continue eating my mystery meat sandwich. Katie is the last one to sit down and Marcos has got the camera out, filming our lunch conversation.

"Marcos, can't you find something more interesting to vlog about?" I ask. Our vlogs are supposed to be entertaining, not boring. 

"Oh just you wait. There is definitely going to be something good to vlog about." He answers, with a sly look on his face. I look at him questionably and then catch on. Justin is asking Sam to homecoming today. I still haven't decided if Sam will say yes though. It's obvious they like each other, but that doesn't mean she'll say yes.

As soon as I think the words, Justin gets up from the table and walks a little ways away. He pulls something out from underneath the table and turns around. He's holding a sign that says, "Sam turn around" We all do and see a picture displayed on the cafeteria wall. It's a picture of a sign that says Homecoming Sam? Sam turns back around to face Justin and this time he's got a box of chocolates and a another sign that says, "I'm no doctor but it looks like your suffering from a case of datelessness. Homecoming?" 

Sam looks surprised and covers her mouth with her hands. She smiles and starts to cry. She nods her head yes and gets up and hugs him. He laughs and then he kisses her. She kisses him back and everybody in the lunch room claps. She breaks away and looks at the floor. Justin pumps his arms in the air. Marcos is laughing and trying to clap and record at the same time. They both sit back down, this time holding on to each other. Kailey smiles at them and keeps eating like it's no big deal. I smile at look at Katie. I wish I had the guts to ask her to homecoming. And then Marcos says what we are all thinking.

"So are you guys a couple now?" They laugh and shake their heads yes. 

"Finally!" Kailey says. "It's was obvious you guys liked each other but we didn't want to say anything. Glad you guys finally came to your senses."

Sam laughs and says, "So am I Kailey. So am I."

"I wish someone would ask me to homecoming." Katie says.

"Didn't like, five guys ask you?" Sam asks.

"Well yeah but no one cute." We all laugh and keep talking about nothing. I just keep looking at Katie. She wants someone to ask  her to homecoming? I would be glad to. 

"Hey Cole?" Justin says.

"What?" I reply.

"Do you mind instead of you having the camera tomorrow, can I have it? I'm going to the carnival and figured that would be better than whatever you had in mind."

" I was thinking about that." I say. "I was thinking about going and was wondering if you guys wanted to make that our group vlog for the week?" Riverstone always has a fall carnival. They bring in Corny rides, lame magicians, and overpriced cotton candy. Everyone always goes. 

"Sounds good." Marcos says and everyone nods in agreement. 

"It's a date." Katie says. I wish I think. The bell rings to signal the end of lunch. I get up to dump my tray, but Katie stops me.

"Are you okay?" She asks. "You were pretty quiet today." She stares at me those big blue eyes and I get lost.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I answer.

"Good because if you weren't I wouldn't be able to tease you. And that wouldn't be much fun, now would it?"

"Shut up." I say and push her. She laughs and waves goodbye as she heads to AP Physics. Katie is the smart one of the group. She's taking five AP classes and tutors all the freshmen. She's first chair viola and starting catcher for the varsity softball. She already has full ride to Harvard Law School. Which just so happens to be where I'm going. I'm not dumb, but I'm definitely not as smart as her. I go the other way to calculus and wave hello at everyone that says hi. 

Marcos, Justin, Sam, Kailey, Katie, and I are all part of a group on this website, kinda like youtube, called VlogQuest. It's where you post videos of yourself doing almost anything. Vlog stands for video blog. Each of us gets one vlog a week, with a group one at the end of the week. We started it because we were bored. Now we make about 100,000 dollars a week because we get over 3 million views and vlog. We didn't mean to become internet famous. We just did. Now every kid around the world aged 12-20 knows our names. And we're still in high school. We'll be millionaires before we even start college. 

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