Chapter 16

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( Song to listen to: SING by- My Chemical Romance)

February 28th, 2015

Emily's POV

Tomorrow the second leg of the Black Mass tour ends, and it's been one hell of a ride. Everyone's ready to go home and relax until the third leg starts. Ever since we left Vancouver, Andy and I haven't really talked to each other. Sometimes he sleeps in the bunk with me or in the lounge area. I'm really worried and wonder what's next to happen in our relationship. Since I can't hangout with Andy, I've been hanging out with CC more.

"Got any eights?" CC asks me, looking up from his cards.

"Nope, go-fish." I respond, smirking at him.

He groans and takes a card from the deck.

"Any kings?" I ask and he slaps his cards down.

"I give up!" He groans and I giggle.

I reach over and grab his King, adding it to mine. Looking at the rest of his cards, I take a six, two, and a four.

"You always beat me! How?!" He asks, frustrated.

"Oh I'm just a pro." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Let's do something else." He says.

"Like?" I ask.

"Oh, let's see what Andy's doing!" He yells, running out of the kitchen area.
"Oh boy." I mumble and follow.

I follow CC into the lounge area, finding a sleeping Andy. CC looks at me, with a jokers smile. Oh no.

"CC." I say quietly.

He slowly walks over to Andy, then crouches down to the level the couch is at. Then he jumps onto Andy, sitting on him.

"CC get your big ass off of me!" Andy yells, well sorta.

"Not until you talk to Emily!" CC fires back, what?

"I would, but you won't get off of me!" Andy yells, shoving CC off of him.

"Good. Now I'm leaving, before the heat in here rises." CC says, winking at us.

Oh I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill that freaking Man Child. Oh I will kill him by-

"Emily?" Andy asks, interrupting my planning.

"Oh, sorry. So what's up?" I ask, sitting next to him.

"Well I was asleep, until CC's crazy ass interrupted me." He chuckles.

"Yeah.. How come you haven't talked to me since Vancouver?" I ask him.

"I don't know honestly. I apologize, so how about I take you out for lunch?" He asks, smiling.

"Okay, but you're not fully off the hook." I giggle.
Turns out Andy was just upset that I didn't tell him about Josh. I explained to him why, and he fully understood why I didn't.

"I know that you want to know everything Andy. Just be wait, soon I will tell you everything. I'm still figuring out stuff as well." I tell him, rubbing my thumb over his hand.

"I will. Whenever you're ready, just let me know." He says and I smile.

He leans over the table and I lean in as well. Before we kiss, my phone stops us by ringing. Damn you phone!

"Let me answer this real quick." I tell Andy and walk outside of the restaurant.

I take my phone out of my pocket and look at the caller ID. It's a unknown number, so I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask, hearing a chuckle from the other end.

"I've missed that sweet voice of yours.." The person says and my eyes widen.


*End of Chapter 17*

Sorry that I'm updating this late. Yes I am ending this chapter on a cliffhanger and yes this is a short chapter. I'm trying to make sure that I have the times planned out perfectly for each chapter, since they all take place in one day. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, love ya!<3

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