Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Beru and Owen searched the desert surrounding their farm, sticking close to the direction Luke went off in, but after several hours they still hadn't turned up anything.

Beru was stony-faced upon returning to the homestead, and as soon as the speeder stopped, she leapt from the cab to march inside.

Frowning, Owen followed. When he found Beru at the comm. station, he lifted his brows.

"Who are you calling?"

Beru typed in the code, and shot him a warning glare. "Obi wan. And if you don't curb your pride just this once, I swear I will walk out on you, Owen. That is my boy out there, no matter what mistakes he's made!"

Owen didn't get a chance to reply because Beru hit send. Neither one of them was surprised when the Jedi answered instantly.

"Beru, what's the matter?" Obi wan asked worriedly. "I felt something from Luke, but now he's alarmingly quiet."

"Obi wan, we need your help!" Beru pleaded fervently. "Luke's lost in the desert, and we can't find him. Please help us! Luke has no supplies, and he's been out there for hours now!"

"I'm on my way." Obi wan disconnected and Beru prayed to the Force that he would be able to find Luke in time.


Luke had never known such a thirst could exist. He supposed that if his initial venture into the sands hadn't been such a vigorous work-out, he wouldn't be as desperate for water.

But now Luke knew a brand new form of torture, and he hated it.

His mouth had dried up long ago, and he was barely able to feel his feet. Luke had been walking for who-knew how long now and the rock formation, while it grew closer with each step, sometimes seems like it was still just out of reach.

The only goal Luke had left was to get to the rocks; where he could at least find shade, if not some tiny bit of moisture. Working his mouth lethargically, Luke felt what remained of his saliva formulate on his tongue, and he gulped it back down.

But even that didn't come close to quenching his thirst.

Luke stumbled, feeling the exposed skin of his hands and even some of his face continue to sear from the unforgiving rays of the two suns that were still in the sky. He cursed himself for the millionth time that afternoon, wishing he'd had the foresight to at least stay on the farm.

But it was too late for that, and he decided to reserve his flagging energy for survival.

When he looked back up, he felt the first stirrings of hope: the ground beneath his boots was changing, signaling that he was almost to his destination. Feeling a minimal renewal of adrenaline, Luke picked up his pace, though his stride was anything but sure.

He felt his toes drag more and more with each faster step he took until he at last fell on his hands and knees. He paused there, even as the suns baked him dry.

Panting heavily, Luke saw black static beginning to creep into his vision, and when his head spun without his body moving he knew he was in serious trouble.

Shade, Luke... get into the shade! Luke ordered himself.

If he collapsed out here he was done for, Luke knew. Heaving himself up, Luke crawled slowly until his fingertips touched the shade given off by the larges boulder formation. The much cooler sand almost burned in its own right, so hot was Luke.

But that final contact was all the encouragement he needed to put on his final burst of speed. When his shaking hands touched the base of the rock, Luke finally allowed himself to collapse.

Star Wars. Suns Among Stars Trilogy, Book One: A Man Among BoysWhere stories live. Discover now