Never Miss Training

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    My emerald eyes opened, as I left my presious sleep behind. Groaning, I sat up on my cloud like bed, thinking about another day of torture. With a sigh I rested my head against the wall that was next to my bed. I couldn’t wait the day when I was going to be free! I would get to see them all  again! …I will see them! Yes I am determined to fight for the win of this war! It was my only chance for early freedom! I will fight! What did those Americans say back in the American Revolution? Oh yeah! Give me liberty or give me death! Well now I’m saying that! 

    With that I flipped myself out of bed. No, really I did a flip! Stretching like a cat,  I skipped myself to the bathroom to get ready.

    Beep-Beep-Beep-Bee, I slammed my alarm clock off just as I finished putting the last piece of toast in my mouth. It's currently 6:30 a.m. I was suppose to get up at this time to get a full beauty sleep, but I’d never get to training on time if I woke up at this time. I rolled my eyes at mother, and her silly rules!

    Getting my bag, with Brooklet in it and all my other stuff, I walked out the door.

    I did a flip in the air, and then a several twirls. Instantly I stopped. My left hand was clenched, while only my index finger pointed to the ground, while my other hand’s index finger called someone. I brought my hands to my sides, my shoulders started moving up and down. I slid on left while doing this as my right hand went in the air. I slid to the right. Twirled. My legs did a cross as my hand right hand pointed to the floor and my left hand called for someone, and I leaned towards my left.

    A couple of seconds later the music had stopped, and my smile faded as I panted.

    “That was extravagant! You danced just like a newbie,” said my trainer. Meet one of  my chorographers…Daisy. No, he was a man and he said the name was bootie-full(beautiful)…

    “Really how long have you been dancing, and your still not perfect,” said Agenda, one of my other chorographers.

    I sighed at them I was never perfect and when I was they still told me I was horrible! My feet ached! One thing I hated was dancing in heels for four hours, with pratically no breakes.

    “Well it time for you to go to your vocal coaches, so shoo,” said Daisy. I rolled my eyes in my mind. Jewel was to sophisticated and sweet to do that. Well not unless mother allows me to act childish at certain points. Like comedy shows! Oh how I loved comedy shows!

    I put on my fake, but ever so realistic smile.

    . “Thank you for working with me!” With that I went to take a shower and then my vocal training. Another 2 hour of torture! I sighed, massaging my forehead.

    “Sing it again!” I cringed as Akia singed. It wasn’t that she was horrible singer, but she had a extremely high vocal range!

    I sighed and started to sing one of my songs.

Oh la la la

La Ohhh Ohhh

You baby are the only one

Please be next to me

I can’t stop staring at you


I think I’m falling in love with you

    “There you go again, messing up on love! Why can’t you ever sing that word right! Are you sure your Jewel Starlet, the international star?” Her hands flapped in the air, as she screamed at me. “Start over!” She really had the sharpest ears! I couldn’t express fully express the word…love.

Black Diamond (Watty Awards 2011)/PAUSED-FOR A VERY LONG TIMEWhere stories live. Discover now