Chapter 2

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Staring directly into each other's eyes, the pair instantly fell in love - could love at first sight really be real? Reaching for each others hands, they walked together to a nearby park, where they strolled along, hour after hour.

"So hey, Sophie, have you ever felt like you've met the 100% perfect person for you, but things seem too perfect and you think something's gonna go wrong?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Sophie replied, staring longingly into Jack's eyes, "but maybe sometimes two people are just destined to be together, they're brought together by fate. I mean, what's there to say that reality can never be like a fairy tale? We found each other, and know we're perfect for each other before we've even got to know each other properly. That has to mean something."

"True, I'm glad you feel that way too. I've met so many people in my life, but none of them have ever understood the way I feel, especially not this quickly. But maybe we should try getting to know each other before we commit."

"Agreed," answered Sophie.

The perfect couple began to tell each other their likes and dislikes, their hobbies and random facts about themselves. After an hour, they began to realise why they were so perfect for each other; their hobbies, likes, and dislikes were similar and they were already finishing each other's sentences. It was almost as if they had met before, maybe in a different life, and were long lost lovers searching for each other through time. Knowing that time was precious and they could not rely on fate to guide them in the right direction for a successful relationship, Jack asked Sophie out on their first date and took her to Le Café d'amour. 

They continued to talk over dinner and asked about their pasts, friendships, and what was important to them in a relationship.

"I guess it's important that you understand each other too.." Sophie explained.

"...and that you accept each other for who you really are, even the bad things..." continued Jack.

"...and that you stand by each other no matter what," they finished simultaneously, laughing at how they already knew what the other was going to say. Their hands slid across the table, their fingers intertwining - it was almost as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

It was almost 10 o'clock at night by the time the young lovers had finished their romantic meal. As they began to say their goodbyes to each other for the night, Jack offered to take Sophie home. She insisted that it wasn't necessary and that she lived to far away for him to take her home and then go home himself, so Jack came up with a solution.

"Why don't you come home with me then if it's too far for me to take you home. You shouldn't be walking alone on your own at this time."

"Well I guess I could stay with you as long as I won't be a burden on you," Sophie replied, with a slight hint of eagerness in her voice.

The next morning, Sophie arose late to find that Jack was no longer there, but there was a heart-shaped note in his place asking her to meet him outside on the balcony. With curiosity building up inside her, she threw on the summer dress that she had been wearing the day before and ran out onto the balcony. There she found Jack sitting with a breakfast spread covering the table.

"You must be hungry and I refuse to let you leave here on an empty stomach," he insisted.

Sophie began eating her way through the large breakfast in front of her, her mouth almost drooling. They picked up their conversation where it had ended last night over their glasses of wine before they had gone up to bed. Everything had happened so quickly, but neither showed any intent of slowing down their relationship - they were happy and acted as if they had no problems and nobody else existed. After breakfast, Jack asked Sophie if she would like to join him on a jog around the grounds of his manor. 'Cute, hot and sweaty all at the same time, I'm in' she thought to herself, before agreeing.

Late in the afternoon, there was a knock at the door - it was Jack's parents. Sophie hadn't even thought about meeting his parents, and definitely didn't think it would be so soon. There was nothing she could do, they were here now, she would just have to be calm and polite. She could hear Jack chatting with his parents, asking them how they were, how their holiday had been and other questions, what now seemed to be pointless small talk. As she peered round the door from the kitchen to the hallway, Jack caught her eye and gestured for her to come through. Sophie did so cautiously, reaching for the security of Jack's arms wrap around her.

"Mum, Dad, I'd like you to meet Sophie, my girlfriend."

Girlfriend, she thought, that was the first time he had referred to her as his girlfriend. It felt comforting and satisfying. It felt good.

"Well hello. I'm Amber Bowen, and this is Jack's father, Nathan. It's nice to meet you Sophie..." Mrs Bowen said, stretching out her hand to shake with Sophie.

"Darden. I'm Sophie Darden. It's nice to meet you too," Sophie answered as politely as she could. At the sound of the name 'Darden', Mrs Bowen dropped her hand back to her side and began shaking her head side to side continuously.

Sophie stared at Jack confused, but he simply changed the topic of the conversation. It was not until Jack asked about her family that she came crashing back to reality.

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