Chapter 3

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Sophie hadn't even given her family a second thought since she'd left her sister's corpse lying stone cold on the floor of her house. She felt a cold shiver travel down her spine and grabbed her jacket, throwing it on quickly. However, Sophie felt something in her pocket - she reached into her pocket and drew out a crumpled piece of paper.

Sophie opened her hand to reveal the ruinous note, but as she scanned over it, she noticed a name at the bottom which had not been there previously: Jacqueline Bowen. Sophie did not think that it was a coincidence that it had appeared now after she had just met this boy, but how did it end up in her pocket? Unable to answer these questions,  she questioned Jack and his parents on their surname and their family history, specifically, Jack's great-grandmother. Her instincts had been right once again; he was the great-grandson of the woman who had cursed her and a story had been passed down their family about his great-grandmother. Jack then explained to Sophie that if the curse ever had been true, there was only a single way in which the curse could be broken - self sacrifice. A sudden realisation dawned on Sophie, finally understanding Amber's reaction to her name. Realising what she must do in order to save those she loved, possibly even Jack, Sophie began pushing him away without an explanation, before grabbing her bag and running out of his front door.

Once safely away, Sophie reached into her pocket, and as if by some kind of magic, there was a small knife there. It had to be done, and so she grabbed the knife, closed her eyes and clamped her mouth tightly shut, so that nobody would hear her screams of pain. Without a second thought, she thrust the knife towards her stomach.

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