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You stand in the shower as the hot watter pour down your body, calming you down and relaxing your tense muscles. You almost felet like throwing up. The image of the bright red blood was still so fresh in your mind, so clear and so sharp. Awakening something, a memory.

"What took you so long", he said, with a towel hanging over his shoulders, sitting on the bed with just a towel wrapped around his hips.

"Nothing I just-" you trail of, walking up to him. He scenes how aloof you are and makes a gesture for you to come sit on his lap. Even though you are only wearing a towel around your shaky body, you sit down with one leg on each side of him, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder.

"Why are you acting so strange today? Something happen?" He asks and you feel his muscles tensing, it's almost cute how much he wants to protect you. Protect.

"Grimmjow. I have to ask you something" you say, sitting back up to look him in the eye.

"Go ahead then, shoot" he says, a big smile on his lips as he rests his hands on your thighs.

"I feel like I know you. Not just that, I also feel like I've known you for so long, why is that? And I remember your eyes too, I remember them from somewhere" you say, his smile soon fading away. He looks very serious at you, making you a little nervous. Finally, he opens his mouth.

"It's because you have", not understanding what he meant, you shake your head.

"What do you mean?"

"Gosh, I don't even know if I am supposed to tell you this, shit." He murmurs and you can see how he's really thinking hard.

"You know that every creature has a soul, right? And that humans for example can be separated from theirs. They have one physical and one spiritual body, right?" You nod and he carries on.

"But you, your body and spirit are fused together, creating something called a Wanderer", there is no chance he is making this up, the seriousness of his words feeling heavy on your shoulders.

"When you were young, much like other wanderers, you kept jumping back and forth from the human world and hueco mundo". He takes a break and takes a few deep breaths.

"Back when I was still a Adjuchas, i found you one time, when you were being attacked by another Adjuchas." As he speaks to you more memories become unraveled, small shivers running down your back.

"I don't really know why, but with the way you acted towards me, I couldn't harm you. The only thing I wanted was to protect you. I stayed with you until you were just gone, and I thought I would never see you again". You lay your head back on his shoulder again, sensing how difficult it is for him to talk to you about it.

"But the next time you entered Hueco mundo, I felt it. I tried my best to find you before others did, and I watched over you until you returned back home." You hold him closer you, remembering the endless days you stumbled around in Hueco mundo, having no idea on how to get back.

"For every time you came back you were a little older, I saw you grow up" he tells you, tears starting to pool in your eyes. You remember now, the huge white Panther that always guarded you. And later on even his followers did the same. They cared for you when you were lost.

"But the last time you came here, he got to you first" his arms tighten around you, almost painfully tight he holds you against his chest.

"I knew that if I ever wanted to see you again, I had to join him too. It wasn't that bad being a part of his fucking army, until I realized" his words suddenly stops as he feels your warm tears running down his back. His has reached around and brushes through your hair as he continues, spitting out his words in anger.

"He had erased all your memories. All of them. Every single moment you were in Hueco mundo, every single moment when you were with me, was gone." You can feel how fast his heart is beating, how furious he is.

"But the worst part? You were afraid of me. Never, not even once, no matter how feral I fought back then you were never even the slightest afraid of me. And I hoped that now that I look more like you, you would feel even more safe with me." You look up at him, his expression chocking you the most. He was wretched.

"But the first time you saw me, the fear in your eyes, I can't get it out of my head. It was like a fucking slap in the face. It was Aizens was of keeping me under control. He held you against me, just for fun." You snake your arms around his head and pulls him closer to you again. He's shaking with anger and his breaths are short and ragged. You don't know what to say. What can you say after all he did to protect you. What will you do now that you know what Aizen did to you?

"I'm here now. And I remember everything" you whisper and kiss his check, making his breath stop for a moment.

"And I love you. And I want to stay with you" you kiss him along his jawline.

"Wherever you will go I'll follow" you say and give him a light kiss on the lips.

"I'm yours" you say, his eyes widening and you feel all his muscles tensing, almost as if he was ready to fight. Suddenly, he takes a hold of your waist and flips you around you that you are laying on your back with him straddling you.

"Say it again" he murmurs as his lips finds your neck and starts nibbling and biting, as his hands travels up and down your naked body, the towel having been thrown of as he flipped you over.

"I'm yours" you say again and he bites your collarbone and roughly grinds his hips into yours.

"That's right" he growls and looks you right in the eye as he kisses you.

"You're mine"

Grimmjow x reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now