Chapter 4 The Bear Named Goldmare

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So! Grab your only ammunition, your common sense, and torch
The corridors are filled with fright when something's off the porch

Jack's P.O.V

Confused and amazed, I watched the fancy-dressed creature who stood near me, her dangerous eye staring at the door. Her breathing was slow and she seemed tense; she was waiting for something to come through the door. She must be the protective type, or maybe she doesn't want anyone else in here so she could kill me in privacy...I'm really hoping for the first one. I continued to stare, my eyes big as saucers. Where did this thing come from?, I asked myself, who is she? And what exactly was she? I wanted to say something, but when I opened my mouth to ask those questions no words came out, my mouth was dry. Unable to talk to the girl, I realized that I hadn't checked the other door...


I hadn't checked the other door!

I swooped down and picked up the flashlight I had dropped on the floor earlier. I sensed the creature's eye staring into the back of my head. She must be wondering what I was doing. Quickly, I pushed the door open as hard as I could and shined the light down the hall. The light reflected off a picture of my mother and father, they were on the beach-it was their anniversary then. I zoned out when I saw the picture. Memories, that's what they were. My parents were only memories. The worst part was that I couldn't have any more memories with them, or my sister, and that's what stung the most.

Feeling a light touch on my shoulder, I jumped, my mind came back to reality, or at least I think it did. I looked up and noticed the same girl who saved me with her hand on my shoulder, her visible eye was still black and her teeth were bared just enough where I could see the tips of her fangs. This is when I knew something wasn't right. Sure she saved me from those three Freddys. But that might be because she wanted to take care of me herself! She did want to hurt me!

My heartbeat quickened. I was breathing heavily. The hand that was still placed on the doorknob shook.

"Please," I squeaked innocently, "Please don't hurt me."

She raised her eyebrow. "Hurt you?" she said with a quiet and unsettling voice. Her eye faded into its original light purple color. Her lips moved back into their normal position where I wasn't able to see her fangs anymore.
"No, no," her voice was soft this time, "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

I stared into her now light purple eye. The expression on her face made it look like she was saying, please don't be afraid. I turned and looked into the hallway. I held the door open still like I was holding it open for some guests who had just arrived at a party. Right now I had to make a choice. It was either I would trust her and stay in the safety of my room, or not have any faith in her and run away into the hall where the other monsters were, awaiting for the opportunity to snatch me.

Sighing, I started to close the door-I chose to stay in the safety of my room. The girl took a few steps back and watched me sit on my bed. From my bed I watched her, still feeling uneasy about having her here. I finally managed to ask my questions, "who are you? What's your name?"

She smiled warmly, a sense of security washed over me when she did, "my name is Goldmare. But of course, my sobriquet you gave me is your bear."

"Sobriquet? My bear? What are you talking about?" I say confused.

She chuckled, "pardon my use of vocabulary. A sobriquet is like a fancy way of saying nickname.  So, the nickname you have for me is your bear."

My bear? What on Earth was she ta-my bear! The one that Freddy was batting around on my bed! I looked behind me and scanned my comforter. My bear wasn't in sight. I kneeled down on the floor and used my flashlight to look for my bear under my bed. It wasn't there. An adrenaline rush of worry swept over me.

"Where's my bear? I have to find it! It the only thing I have left of Chloe!" I panicked, still searching for the golden furred plush.

Goldmare I rushed over beside me. She kneeled down so we were eye level, as I was now standing. "Easy now, Jack. You didn't lose your bear. As crazy as this may sound, I am your bear."

The last words she spoke played through my mind. I am your bear, I am your bear, I am your bear. Knowing that there was a lot of crazy things that involved the animatronics, I believed her, well, kinda. "Y-you..." I trailed off, looking for the right words to say (I'm slowly drifting away, drifting away, wave after wave, wave after wave, I'm slowly drift-....sorry...)

"I know my presence is a lot to take in right now. But you have to believe what I tell you, Jack-"

"How do you know my name!" I interrupted.

Goldmare wasn't bothered by me interrupting her. I thought she would since she's the type of person who uses well manners everywhere she goes. "Because I'm your bear, Jack. I have a plush form just like the nightmares do. When I'm in it, I can see everything that's visible to where you've placed me, yet I can not move when I'm in that state. Nor can I talk. But I can think and see. I'm only capable of vision and thought."

I became even more interested than I already was, "so basically you're always watching, always judging?"

She shrugged her shoulders gracefully. Huh, even when she does I simple motion she does it with elegance. "Sure, you can think of it that way."

"So why are you here? Why did you help me when those Freddys had me cornered?"

"I wanted to keep you safe. Your safety and happiness means a lot to me. That's why I'm here. To help you. I've seen what your brother did to you earlier..."

I looked down. Just great, even Goldmare saw how much of a pathetic wimp I was. "Yeah, he hates me." I said quietly.

"He doesn't hate you. He's only teasing. It's what older siblings do, they tease. But anyway, I want to be there when you need me. Your party at Freddy's is in four days. I will help you overcome your fears of the animatronics by then. You're in good hands, you can trust me on that one, I'm not like the others, I'm not here to put you in danger."

With those words, tears began to fill in my eyes. I've never had someone to support me like that before, not ever since Chloe. It's like Goldmare resembled her. I bit my lip, but it didn't help. I practically flew into Goldmare's arms as I cried quietly. She gave me a comforting hug and shushed me. Never had I've been able to let my feelings out like this after my parents and sister died. And to finally be able to do it now, well, it felt great.

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