Chapter 9 A Chat With The Trap

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You thought your safest
Place to breathe
Was right inside your room
But once the clock begins to chime
Your fate will lead to doom

Jack's P.O.V

*warning: feels*

The rim of Goldmare's hat fell down on my face and shielded my eyes. There was a tranquil chime sound, and then nothing. Removing the hat from my head, I was greeted with the sight of Goldmare in her plush form lying lifelessly on the floor. Her one black beaded eye had the reflection of my ceiling lamp in it, and her mouth still shaped into a cute frown. "Well,"    Plushtrap said, breaking the silence, "I guess the oversized bear hybrid couldn't handle me being here so she ditched." Plushtrap squirmed out of my hands and plopped down onto the ground. He landed on his feet like a cat, and trotted over to Goldmare's almost inanimate body. His stubby arm reached out and poked Goldmare in the stomach. Just as I thought, she didn't react. Plushtrap let out a hum of disapproval and walked away from her, not even looking back. Ignoring his next actions, I picked up Goldmare and placed her on my bed, making sure she could sit in somewhat luxury instead of a floor. Even in her plush form you have to remember she's still a person.

"Oh well would ya look at that. I was always put on a high shelf and she gets t' be put on a bed? Now this is what I call unfair!" Plushtrap complained as he eyed down Goldmare. His olive green eyelids drooped down, giving Goldmare a hateful look. I couldn't help but chuckle at him. It was funny to see something that small throw a fit.
"Don't be jealous, Plushtrap. You can sit on it too." I told him. His head turned to me and gave me an insulted expression. "I know I can! Who do you think you are making all the rules? Who gave you that authority?"
Without waiting for a reply the moody bunny turned towards the began again and stared up at it. Plushtrap's paws took hold of my bed sheet that hung down the side of the mattress. His legs kicked and squirmed, trying to rest his feet on a sturdy surface of the mattress so he could climb it. Failing at each attempt, he growled. I couldn't help but laugh. "Let me help you out."
My palm pressed against Plushtrap's feet and I raised him up to the surface.
He stared blankly at the wall while sitting with legs apart and his hands in the space between them. He blinked once. Then twice. Suddenly he jolted on to his feet, turned around, and sneered at me.

"I could of done it myself, y'know! I may be small but I can still do things myself! I didn't need the aid of your hand to boost me up! I'm not a kid clod like yourself who can't do anything independently!" He crossed his arms and plopped back down. He pouted, which was something I never thought he would be capable of. Who am I kidding? I didn't think he was even capable to walk and talk let alone pout.
My hand reached out and patted him on the head. "It's okay if you need help sometimes. You can't always do everything on your own. Without Goldmare around, I don't know how long I'd last throughout the night."

"You wouldn't be able to last at all. You were lucky to have survived the first few visits we made. With that stupid yellow glow rod-"

"You mean a flashlight? Sometimes called a torch?" I interrupted.

"Yes....with that stupid flashlight of yours, you keep locking up their servos! Don't think Fredbear's happy about that because he's not. He's also not very happy about Goldmare helping you out. She shouldn't even be around, he says."

"Well he's wrong." I blurted out, feeling something tug at my chest. Plushtrap stopped slouching and say up straight.
"Wrong? Nonsense! That stupid bear is getting in the way!"

"Goldmare isn't stupid and she's NOT getting in the way! She's protecting me from the likes of you."

"She's. Not. Even. Suppose. To. EXIST!" Plushtrap clenched his small fists and stood up tall. "The only reason she's here is because she knows your weak! Goldmare is supposed to be on our side and you took her away from us!"

My heart started to beat quickly, "well people have taken things away from me too! The people I love were killed by some strange purple man in a car accident!" Warm tears welded into my eyes, scenes from that horrible night flashing through my mind. "My day, my mom, even my beloved sister, Chloe. They're all gone! And you complaining about Goldmare leaving you? At least she's still around! You can talk to her and see her anytime you chose. I can't do that with my family!"

Plushtrap's expression turned from one of anger to one of shock in a blink of an eye. His mouth gapped open slightly and he took a step backward. I couldn't stop myself from yelling at him, no matter how hard I tried. He started this battle, so now I'm going to finish it. "I can't even live a normal life because of all this! My brother hates me and my uncle is hardly ever around. I was scared without Goldmare—even more than I still am now! And it's because of you and the others! Why do you torture me? What do you want? Haven't I been through enough already?" I hung my head and shut my eyes tight, feeling the tears roll down my tinted pink cheeks.

"K-Kid?" Plushtrap said, his voice as quiet as I ever heard it. He crawled to the edge of the bed, getting closer to me, and reached out an arm. That's when I snapped again. My head snapped up and I gave him a hateful, infuriated look. "WHY CAN'T YOU ALL LEAVE ME ALONE?" Without hesitation, I picked up Plushtrap by the back of his neck, just like Goldmare did, and threw him out into the hallway. His back hit the wall and he tumbled to the floor. His olive green eyes stared up at me, and I could have swore there was sympathy in them.
"Why can't you leave me alone?" I squeaked again, and slammed the door shut, leaving the bunny to reflect on his decisions and my words.

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